Zoe Butcher

Miley just skirted a contractual obligation with her record label by releasing an entire album for free, but maybe Kesha doesn't love her Animals fanbase as much as Miley loves her Smilers. If it was only about keeping in the public eye that would be enough to simply release an album for free for fans during the

The predicament she finds herself in is one of her own doing, so I guess I'm not a decent human being when I say she is responsible for the state of her career. She signed the contract. She sued people including Sony and Dr. Luke. She could've went about this in a thousand different ways but chose to wage all out

She's suing Sony too. She's suing everyone in the music industry and then expects to work in that same industry. lol.


I didn't mean to suggest that Shyalaman wrote the twist, only that he can't seem to get away from it whether he writes one himself or not. That's his "Thing".

The Happening was just embarrassing. The whole film was like WTF? Who green-lit this and how fast were they fired? Even Wahlberg disowns it.

Still sounds like there's a twist somewhere in this film though from the review I just read. Is there not?

I definitely agree that he's not an "actor's director" in the sense of say Paul Thomas Anderson or Quentin Tarantino or David O. Russell. I just mean that he can adequately film scenes. It doesn't look like a daytime soap opera director or a b-movie. There's clearly some minimal level of style to his photography,

Great post!

The Leftovers really isn't his story. Yes, it's good, but it's Perrotta's baby. Lindelof is just doing tweaks and re-writes. Lost wasn't just his baby either. Carlton Cuse wrote nearly as many episodes as Lindelof did, and both The Leftovers and Lost utilized a writer's room. When Lindelof is left to his own devices

Another dv film I've long adored is Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books. His film is perhaps even more aesthetically driven than Inland Empire as an experimental digital video movie to me. I'm endlessly fascinated when watching PB. Both Inland Empire and Prospero's Books are wonderful examples of how the aesthetics of

I loved some of what Lynch did in Inland Empire with the purposeful use of a lower resolution and his playfulness with offbeat lenses, the manipulation of the focus, and also the way he would blast lighting at certain directions in order to flood and overload the camera's sensors. His emphasis on aesthetics rather

There's no way this is going to be anything like a comeback for Shyamalan because he hasn't learned any lessons from his failures and hasn't bothered trying to grow as an artist. The core of his style is just too mainstream with an over-emphasis in screen-writing of all too predictable tropes and plot twists. Even the

Digital video as a filmmaking medium is fine, I just hope it doesn't eventually force real analog cinematography to die. I would prefer for directors using the medium of digital video to be a little bit more inventive with how they shoot or manipulate the image like Lynch did with Inland Empire. Directors should

I read that the screenwriter responsible for that cinematic atrocity Transcendence Jack Paglen was the person Ridley hired to do the bulk of the screenwriting for Prometheus 2. Will it be worse than Lindelof or slightly better than shitty? Certainly it'll be one of the two.

Still love the opera scene in Ridley's movie tho. Love that scene so much, but yes, the tv Hannibal is killing it. Killing it! S3 is everything!


You don't know that it needs an extra hour of footage when you watch the original version of KoH, all you know is that it's not that great and feels a bit incoherent and long in spots. Surprisingly the DC fixes all three problems! It becomes a fantastic film, perfectly coherent, and actually feels SHORTER because all

KoH: DC is indeed worth seeing. It's a fantastic film.

I really liked EH too, all except for the end. Same with It Follows. I hate it when it's an almost perfect movie where they botch both the ending and mess up the mythology along the way, but it still doesn't ruin them enough to not be enjoyable. Agreed.