Zoe Butcher

You know, I did enjoy this season more than the last, but what I cannot let slide is this: According to this show's writers, four individuals somehow created the first laptop computer, the first bbs, the first use of coaxial cables for data transmission, a faux-compuserve, the first fps, the first chat room, the first

Just reading up on it since you mentioned it, and yes, Fuller states that Will Graham is at the opposite end of the autistic spectrum, but what does that exactly mean to you? Here's the definition for autism?

Or so Fuller says, fursa. I just don't know if that was the case in the source material…


It seems everyone already watched the episode on thursday online. No wonder the ratings took a nose-dive on NBC. Also, I think people hated watching all those commercials and network teases and what seems like endless semi-transparent chyrons, so I'm guessing people have been watching it online for awhile now, while

I guess what I'm trying to say, is what would you do if you were in an NBC exec's shoes and you heard Fuller was going to try and do double-duty on two heavily scripted shows with tons of exposition and do the show-running for both at the same time? That's like you're married, and your husband tells you he's going to

You didn't think his stance looked Hopkinsesque? Or is it just the possibility that everyone stands and/or poses like that in heavily starched uncomfortable prison uniforms? ;)

Oh, and one last thing, on Hannibal mirroring Will's movements in the cell scene where they meet again:

I got a strong 'Hopkins' vibe from the way Mads was holding himself, stance-wise, posture-wise, and the way he was mirroring, an attempt to play as well as to connect through the plexiglass. I'm almost positive that Mads must've thought it would be nice to give subtle nods to Hopkins' performance.

This Fuller adaptation as well as Mikkelsen's performance is simply astonishing in it's depth of field and in it's utter maturity. It takes the source material seriously, while at the same time playing fast and loose with it as Fuller sees fit. With each passing S3 episode I watch I become more and more saddened that


There's some spectacular television these days! I keep stumbling into great shows!

Or social reinforcement rather. We need people to be able to tell us hey, it's not normal to do taxidermy and masturbate to your work, something like that. LOL!

Yeah. Anyone who would want to live in a town with like 150 people in an isolated area probably has a lot of weird secrets and then they don't have any social restrictions to be able to have a few friends say hey! Maybe it's not a good idea to do this or that. lol. People in isolation become very strange indeed!

I'm really loving it! I just saw episode 7 with the girl straddling her mother with a fork. Jesus! The show is bat-shit crazy!

Wow. This show is bat-shit crazy! I <3 it!

Nknotz, have you heard of, or have you watched a tv show called Fortitude? It's a really bizarre and confusing mystery series, but about halfway through it all starts coming together like a giant intricate thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. It reminds me slightly of Broadchurch in terms of small-town paranoia, but more

This show is amazing. I was so lost for the first five episodes but it all came together in the sixth. I'm all-in for this series! Love it!

I like Anna the most as well as Rachel.

I'm really surprised by how much I like this show because I hate reality tv as a genre, but UnREAL's drama is as juicy as a medium-rare ribeye!