Zoe Butcher

100% agree! Hiyas nknotz!

On side note, why has av club suddenly blocked posting links?

You're wrong. Look up Frankie Shaw in Google images. She's just as pretty as Portia Doubleday.



This was the first Mr. Robot episode I didn't like for two reasons. One, Frankie Shaw's Shayla kept the show grounded in a sense. Her character was the most authentic to me and I thought Frankie played her beautifully, and two, because the drama suddenly felt a bit forced and contrived. I mean seriously, why would

Mood thing. Bleakness. It's amazing so far! ;)

On another note, for the true cinephiles(ha), I've actually tracked down a copy of Aleksey German's Hard to be a God. After this episode I feel the need for even more bleak Russian sci-fi before I go to sleep somewhere past dawn(it's a 3 hour film). I'm such a masochist.

Eggsactly nknotz!

Didn't they make him try both their products? Crystal meth and cocaine? Rust was LIT. loooooooooool!

Now, if she had dropped certain pills like 2C-B or MDA, then yes, but pure MDMA? No.

Molly doesn't make you hallucinate for God's sakes. I've done it hundreds of times. Geez. Clearly Nic's never done a drug in his life. This is one of those classic "Hollywood drug moments" like when people smoke weed on-screen and the accompanying visuals are like they ate a pound of jimson weed and a handful of pcp.

Did you notice when watching the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed that strange sensation of seeing similarities to the young adult Twilight trilogy, except that Clive had predated that trilogy by years and years, like a decade or more! When you really think about it, the two aren't dissimilar, but of course Nightbreed was far

Weaveworld would be perfect as a fantasy series. Perhaps if American Gods does well then one day perhaps! We can hope, at least!

No! I didn't realize that 'The Scarlet Gospels' was intended to be the Third Book of the Art Trilogy! Thanks! Now I'll make my cousin give it to me sooner rather than later! <3

The Nightbreed Cabal Cut is fantastic! Anyone who loved the original Nightbreed should do a little internet hunting and locate a copy. It's great. Loved how much more we got to see Cronenberg in the Cabal Cut. In fact, each of the characters got fleshed out much more in the longer cut.

Yes, I have read Weaveworld and Imajica. Also both very good novels! His more recent novels have great depth to them and yet no filmmaker as of yet has decided to try and tackle them. I really wish somebody would!

Agreed! I think it could be a really neat series of films if done the right way. After watching Enter the Void I knew it could be done as far as the drug effects sequences were concerned…

I love Pinhead. I actually met Doug Bradley at a Fangoria Film Festival in Boston, Massachusetts. He's a really nice guy, tall, and possesses a set of naturally ginormous ears. I'm talking elephant ears without all the sfx prosthetics on! Hahaha! I also met Jeffrey Combs, the actor from the movie Re-Animator, Robert

1. Plot holes ✓
2. Schizophrenic character motivations ✓
3. Continuity errors ✓
4. Bad writing/cheesy dialogue ✓
5. Confusing ending ✓