Zoe Butcher

Yeah. Pam's inexplicable character schizophrenia from antagonist to protagonist with zero reason as to why that would happen immediately reminded me of crappy shows like Under The Dome.

So many stupid character decisions happened this episode that they were too numerous to count. This show became unwatchable after the episode the truth. Characters that were slanted as antagonists just for no apparent reason shifted personalities and became protagonists with no meaningful reason as to why that

Same. Binge-watched the first two seasons a little over a year ago, disliked the procedural element but still loved the show overall, so of course S3 has been my favorite only to find out tons of people hate it which is so weird to me. I guess they either thought it was too pretentious or they hated the immaculate

OMG exactly, Sao! Nailed it in ten words! <3

I no longer watch the show. I'm just bored and reading things, Jordan. I hated this season right off the bat. Hated it. Hated Vaughn.

They weren't worried for the first three. What changed?

Nobody mentioned this?

lol how bad was the cgi explosion, like some basic adobe aftereffects explosion bad?

The editing was terrible in episode one and Vince Vaughn is godfuckingawful in his role, so I gave up on it. Thanks for letting me know I wasn't wrong, Dante. ;)

This post cracked me up. A golem. Hahahahaha!

Yep. It's terrible. Speaking of sci-fi that starts out incredibly good only to end up crashing and burning like this tv show did, anyone remember the movies Event Horizon or Sunshine? lol.

Completely pointless reboot.

I thought the final dragon scene with the dragon not wanting to fly again finally looked really good versus the other scenes with the dragons in earlier episodes. It was the closest it's come to looking like what I believe to be the finest example of dragon special effects, which would be the effects from that old

Oh, well that's just fucking great. Dorne is ruining this show. The scenery is fine, but I don't know what's worse, the sand snake's lack of acting chops or the cheesy Xena-esque gold lamé costumes and those fake looking chrome spray-painted halberds. :/

It's embarrassing to watch for everyone involved from the directors to the actors to Nic himself. It's the biggest belly flop of a season I can ever remember seeing. I guess that old adage is true that some people only have one good story in them.


Did this show lose you as much as it has lost me over the past couple of eps, nknotz?

How is the demolitions guy even getting ahold of materials to build explosives from scratch? You'd think a genius doctor would notice an odd list of requests for ingredients from a former explosives expert. Lol.

Yeah, and why was Ben hurt more than the girl? She was shielding him by laying on top of him kissing him? Lol.

This episode played out very similarly to Ridley Scott's Hannibal(which is neither a bad or good thing). Also, I was confused as to why Jack suddenly cared about kicking Lecter's ass? I thought he was solely looking for Will to try and salvage him before he becomes a monster like Hannibal? Still, all in all a solid