Zoe Butcher

The show is operating on borderline dome-logic(as in under the dome), the first half of the series everyone is very cautious about speaking with all the cameras and bugs out there but now people are strolling through buildings, having conversations while walking down roads, and even meeting at the pub openly talking

Also one big thing I thought about is ok, so there's a guy who's former job was explosives/demolition, and the doctor thought that would be a good idea to freeze him, wake him up, not tell him anything, and then just let him loose in the community, and they are having trouble figuring out who the subversives are and

What I'm asking is do you like this whole subversive group arc? It feels like the show before the big reveal isn't the same show after it any longer. It's two completely different shows before/after. Apparently everyone in town isn't afraid of the bugs and cameras any longer also, because people aren't even bothering

This show is beginning to feel a whole lot like Under the Dome with slightly better plot and character elements as well as a little bit like Lost. It really makes no sense why they wouldn't just load about 5 people at a time into a helicopter and show them what's outside the wall so they would understand. I just do

So true.

This show seems to have lost it's bearings somehow. I really had an issue with the casting of the boy who played Mary's son. He was just not a very good actor to me. I was nearly cracking up in this episode because he's just not able to pull off that Omen-like menacing vibe, and his lack of ability is even more

No. Velcoro is not dead. There are scenes that haven't aired yet in future episodes with Farrell in them from a couple of HBO teaser trailers I've watched, and agree on Vaughn. Vince really is an atrocious actor when he's asked to play menacing, dramatic roles. It's just not his thing, but he's ok when playing

Vaughn's performance as Frank Semyon is possibly one of the worst casting mistakes I've ever seen. He wasn't the correct choice for this part. He's completely lost as far as how to deliver lines, the rhythm is off, he seems unable to intuit what things to emphasize and what things to play a bit more muted, but most of

Thank the lord! I will be furious if Logan kills off Lyle, because the show just wouldn't be the same without him. It's Beale's character Ferdinand Lyle that provides the sole source of levity on this show. Without his character Penny Dreadful would be a bit too one-note for my particular taste, although I would most

I don't know how it keeps getting renewed. It's only pulling 550k viewership.

She's always been childish and thrown tantrums.

This was a solid C to me, if only because of the show's writers continually bogging the show down with trite cliched plot-beats that are completely unnecessary such as the scene in the club. I wish they would just focus on the business aspect of the show and the innovation part rather than manufacturing drama for the

Vanessa killing that guy looked quite realistic. When Vanessa stabbed the Pinkerton detective, each time she brought the blade down she had to use more force than is normally used in movies and television series to pull it back out again and go for another stab. That's what made it seem very authentic to me for that

McAdams and Farrell are definitely the only ones trying. Vaughn's trying to 'not' be that you're so money swingers guy, and Kitsch? Idk. He's hot but he's not a great actor. Vaughn and Kitsch are most definitely the weak links on the show, but you may be right in that the director might be the one at fault and might

I love the fact that you're obsessed with Ethan's tweedy jumpers. That's just adorable, Olaf.

But I don't think she's pulling anything off really. It's perfectly ok if you're enjoying the show so far, but I just am not into any of the characters or the actors portraying them in this season. McAdams is aggressively bitchy and that's about it. It just comes off like a man's fantasy version of a female character,

Ahh. I remember that now that you mention it. Interesting!

For TD, the acting is killing it for me. It's all so stilted or over-performed. It doesn't feel anything like natural. It feels completely un-natural to me, and I think the reason for that is that none of the four leads in TD are anywhere near as good as the actors/actresses on PD. Piper, McCrory, LuPone, or Green

Hiya nknotz! Ok, will do on 1. B: Umm what do you mean? Did you notice something I didn't? It seemed to me that he waited until she died naturally.

Aw. Pshaw. loooooool! Best line of the episode.