Zoe Butcher

This is a crucial point to me when I think about Logan's dialogue in Penny Dreadful vs Pizzolatto's dialogue in True Detective: Season 2. Both shows use a lot of exposition and literary-sounding dialogue, but only one show has actors that can actually pull it off and make those words sing with emotion, and we all know

So true. He was the sweetest of the undead.

Oh and one last thing. Did Dorian seriously just show a psychopathic undead girl with an absolute hatred and loathing for men his spiral staircase that leads down to his secret portrait? Lily/Brona just bit his ear off, who's to say she wouldn't waltz downstairs and tear his portrait to shreds? Trust should be earned,

Oh, so he really died. That sucks after him saying you're my friend and all that. Ethan's going to feel positively terrible after realizing what he did.

Jesus GOD!!!

I would rather watch Inherent Vice one thousand times over than continue to watch this sophomoric pseudo-literary drivel. I gave it two episodes and that was plenty enough to get what this season is all about, so no thank you Nic…

Loved it. For me, I believe this is the greatest season of Hannibal bar-none, and I just hope Amazon Prime(or Showtime/Starz) decides to save the day.



I don't think it's going to be bad, but what I will say is that it probably won't resemble any other video-game-to-film-adaptation that has been made previous to this attempt if Kurzel is involved. It will have a high-quality visual aesthetic and it will be darker than most adaptations if I were to take a wild guess.

Yeah, I had just woken up and didn't read the article, Burger. I've corrected the post since then. lol.

Justin Kurzel is directing? That's an odd choice. Snowtown Murders was almost like watching a snuff film. Are they going to make this that dark? I hope Kurzel brings Arkapaw along for the ride as his cinematographer who also did his cinematography in SM.

This was adorable!

No, I'm basing it on this article. In this interview Fuller states that Amazon's streaming rights contract precludes ever allowing Netflix to acquire the streaming rights to Hannibal. :/

Sounds like Bezos/Amazon is not willing to pay for a fourth season nor are they willing to part with the streaming rights, and especially not to a competitor like Netflix…

A streaming service called TVTibi is trying to get distribution rights, so at least someone is calling them and begging them for the show. ;)

We've got one internet streaming newcomer on-record that wants to save Hannibal!

Not sure how cheap it is to shoot in Canada vs New Orleans. Do you know?

What do you think, nknotz? Would you prefer to watch Hannibal on a streaming service or a pay channel? I would adore for Hannibal to end up on Cinemax or Showtime, although I do believe it'll be Netflix or Amazon Prime that'll end up with it.