Zoe Butcher

Yep. You knew right off the bat in S1 that it was gonna be good. This? Not so much… :/

Vaughn was the biggest casting mistake I've ever seen. Just picture like ANYONE ELSE but him playing the character and it might've been a little bit better. I'd have been fine with Michael Madsen. Anyone other than him. He was delivering lines like a xanaxed out qvc anchor reading cue cards.

Hated it. It looked like one of those straight to video sequels like From Dusk Till Dawn 4: Even Dawnier. Cheap. The actors played the dialogue so straight and dead-pan I couldn't even comprehend what the director was thinking, he never thought to say HEY. Wake up. Some of these lines are FUNNY. Use quirky looks and

Bwahahaha! Well said Jefe! I don't care if anyone else dies, I just want Beale still playing Lyle in a spin-off comedy centered around an archaeological museum with Lyle and his lover doing quasi-Indiana Jonesish shit. Think Fawlty Towers meets the Temple of Doom. Call me, Showtime! <3

My favorite moment was Lyle's face when Lucifer possessed Malcolm. I freeze-framed it because it was so hilarious. I want that photo on my fucking WALL!

This was an absolutely astonishing hour of television to experience from the perspective of the pure joy of simply watching actors and actresses own their craft. They have assembled a mighty cast no question about it, and I truly hope that Ferdinand Lyle does not die. The show somehow wouldn't be the same without him.

100% agree.
Mads Mikkelsen > Anthony Hopkins
(for this role anyway)

I personally think there's a reason for that. Back towards the end of season two, Will and Hannibal got lost inside themselves playing their cat and mouse persona/identity psychological games. At some point an aspect of Will's persona embedded itself inside Hannibal and an aspect of Hannibal seeped inside Will as well.


Really? Bergman's Persona is a masterpiece to me, and as I've been watching the latter part of S2 and these past few episodes of S3 it's all I can think about when watching Hannibal. They have had such a strange relationship mixed with violence and love and hatred and confusion as well as elucidation, they are

This third season so far is better than True Detective S1 to me, MrSaxon, but what's so tragic is that it's not getting that wildfire buzz that TD did, all I can say is tell all your friends, family, facebook/twitter friends, random strangers online or weirdos you meet on the street. Basically talk to everyone you


I'm saddened that Natali's only directed 3 episodes, I'd have loved for him to have pulled a Fukunaga or a Soderbergh and shot the whole season himself, but that didn't happen and I can only hope that the episodes maintain this particular visual style all the way though the entire season, nknotz. The only thing I know

Personally, I'd be embarrassed to state a fantastic episode like this was the worst to date. It would make readers remember your name and say to themselves, hey, that guy's opinion is like the exact opposite of right. lol.

Season 3 so far is EVERYTHING!!! I can't even you guys!!! How are they showing this on network television? Hannibal just chopped an arm up and then served it not to mention damaged a guy's brain with an ice-pick and Hannibal did it so fast I didn't even know what the hell happened before he was already sitting back

Season 2 is going to be a disaster. Nic had us in the palm of his hand for the first and second acts of True Detective S1 and then we got to the third act and realized that he had nothing up his sleeve. Nothing at all. It was one of the most disappointing finales I'd ever watched, and now it seems like it's all

I know! LOL!

There is no question about it in my mind, this season is easily going to be the greatest season of Hannibal, but a part of me wishes Abigail had survived as well, because it was a strange and beautiful dream that they all had, three abnormal people who somehow would manage to make a place for themselves in this world

Hannibal is fascinating! Agreed! Will was an idiot, Hannibal was courting him the whole time and he was so rude sometimes and insulting and and unable to accept who Hannibal was and unwilling to trust Hannibal and lied to him over and over again. Will was extremely lucky that Hannibal didn't kill him.

I don't know if Molly is the right person to review this show if she doesn't like the art-house vibe this series has going for it. It's a minor miracle that Hannibal is on a regular network to begin with, and as you so aptly said, if Molly is upset over the emphasis on visual style and aesthetics she could go and