Zoe Butcher

I'm absolutely convinced that Jon Snow will be resurrected. I just don't know if he'll be resurrected as a Wight or by Melisandre using the Lord of Light R'hilor. My gut instinct tells me Melisandre will resurrect him, but what I personally want to happen is for him to become a Wight. I like reading lots of theories

Kill the boy Jon Snow. Kill the boy and become a man. I have a feeling when Snow comes back however he comes back and in whatever form he comes back in when resurrected that he won't be all that kind or idealistic any longer. lol.

Why would Bran need to ride a dragon? He will be able to warg a dragon and fly himself. I'm convinced Tyrion/Jon/Daenerys all have Targaryen blood in them now more than ever and that they are the three heads of the dragon and also all of their mothers supposedly died during childbirth which is a blood sacrifice.

What? For reals? We get to play with materia chains and combos again? That was the coolest thing about FF7 to me, the materia spell/combat system. Depending on what order you placed the materia in, it would have a totally different effect and result in battle. I can't believe this is actually happening! I'm so excited

Totally! And we have the idiot snake sisters who told Jaime's right hand man about the poison and the fact that they wear the antidote around their neck because they did the same thing to him and that it takes a certain amount of time before it kills you, so he could've absolutely turned around the ship and gotten one

This is the part I don't understand. Ethan was in a car wreck and taken and put in hibernation, I get the fact that his colleague and him were woken up within a 12 year interval, but what about his family? His family knew Ethan was missing and went looking for him and the sheriff tinkered with their car and forced

Right, so he should've imprisoned Snow or someone else with his bloodline and forced him to have sex with Melisandre over and over again until all the top contenders were dead. This would've been the easiest way to sit on the throne. It reminds me of those eagle things in Lord of the Rings, why didn't they all just

Hahahahaha! Coke just came out my nose! The legal kind. lolol!

One thing I'm very curious about is why didn't Stannis just keep getting Melisandre to shadow-bind and birth shadow beings to kill all the top contenders for the Iron Throne over and over again until all of them were dead? That would've been the most effective way to destroy whole armies, kill their leaders…

Well take a look at this animated gif before you say totally. Something about it seems funny to me. It's either the fact that Brienne swings her sword and comes down far too high to hit Stannis's neck, or she actually swings and stops mid-swing and retracts back, either way it doesn't look like it's going to actually

I doubt he's dead or they would've shown it. Probably someone comes and fights Brienne.

Then why is HBO still going to give Kit 4 million dollars for seasons six and seven? Why would Kit renegotiate his contract for a higher salary and HBO say ok, sure thing only to kill his character and cut him from the show?

Kit Harrington is lying, NHBill603. HBO isn't in the habit of gifting actors 4 million dollars for doing nothing but staying dead. The show can technically kill off any of them but they can't renegotiate a contract and refuse to pay them if they decide to kill them and send them off the show, so I would have no idea

Thoros. That was his name, the leader of the Brotherhood without Banners.

I can't remember what the rules are with regards to resurrecting the dead using the lord of light's power for red priests and priestesses. Did the red priest guy a few seasons back that kept resurrecting that one man seven times need king's blood sacrifices too?

It could be Shireen's sacrifice was so that Melisandre had enough king's blood to be able to resurrect Jon Snow using her blood magic rather than to help Stannis win the battle against the Boltons. I do think she thought it would work to help Stannis win the battle, but realizing that wasn't what the lord of light had

I hope Snow becomes a Wight and resurrects ice dragons and wipes out everyone in Westeros because they're all horrible bad people that need to die. If you're a good person in Westeros it's almost certain you'll be raped, tortured, robbed, and murdered at some point and not necessarily in that order, so I think the

The one cannibal leader to me had too sudden a change of attitude and behavior from what we'd seen of him thus far over the course of the past few seasons, suddenly he's acting all like he's some kindof great mediator or something. Idk, it felt a little off.

Not to mention cannibals…
