Zoe Butcher


Now I need to watch the first episode of Hannibal! I'm backed up on all my series!

When you see the setting combined with ridiculous looking costumes and cheesy looking fake plastic looking halberd thingies, then it looks way less convincing to me. It does look like a set on a CW show in combination.

I kept noticing all the different hair-styles and hair-cuts. They really nailed the period and the scene. Props to the costume and make-up and hair departments and set designers on Penny Dreadful. Loved it. Glorious!

Lily/Brona would be utterly fascinating to the likes of Dorian who seems rather fickle. I felt really bad for Angelique. lol.

I think he knew what was going to happen. He should've tried to take her with him and run, it would've made the scene that much more heartbreaking to me, but now I think all of them including Daavos are kindof morally bankrupt characters.

He knew damn well what he was going to do when he asked him to leave. I have no idea why he'd continue to serve a man he doesn't respect who's blindly led by a religious nut. I would've thought better of him had they at least inserted a scene of him trying to sneak away with Shireen, it might've made the scene more


The Dorne scenes are completely ridiculous. It's like GoT was suddenly forced to do sets with a CW show's budget. I wonder what went wrong there? From the actors to the sets to the lines, everything. It's embarrassing that it's part of such a normally high-quality show.

Also, is Stannis any different than the Targaryen that used to rule the iron throne? He also burned people alive, I wonder if he wasn't mad and he just happened to worship the light god too? Anyone know?

I really wasn't that moved by the Stannis burning Shireen alive scene. Perhaps it was that the child actress playing Shireen hasn't been very good or hasn't had enough lines or scenes, but I thought the whole scene felt really forced and contrived. Also, the situation didn't appear to be as dire as it would have us

No, but that's a great word! I probably just thought droll meant how it sounds, like dull. lol.

What is what happens? I don't think anyone is going to complain about the child-burning scene really. It wasn't nearly as disturbing as it should've been but that's mostly because it came off as really cheesy and fake and poorly acted which is I guess a testament to the actor playing Ramsey, because he's really

You're right! What is the word I'm thinking of that's like boring and dull… Hmm.

It really bothered you? It didn't bother me even a little. Sansa's scene with Ramsey was far worse, and even worse still was the finale to this season of Outlander as far as disturbing scenes go, although it should've been highly disturbing but it just wasn't to me.

Was I the only one who felt like the actress playing Shireen didn't sell her performance enough and that the overall situation didn't seem as particularly dire as it should have been for all these adults to stand around and watch a live child burn to death? I thought overall it just seemed oddly done and the scene as

Yeah. Dorian has a picture of her. He knew she had consumption. He knew Ethan was dating her and even loved her. He knows she died. He knows she's walking and breathing and talking again, and he knows her hands are ice cold. Dorian may be a little ditzy, but he's certainly no moron. Of course he of all people would be

I feel like he knows something is up. I don't recall if he and Ethan and Brona ever had a scene together in the first season, do you remember? Knowing that Dr. Frankenstein has been palling around with the group he's bound to put two and two together and realize that Brona died and the doctor brought her back.

Hecate came out and said she's playing a long game unlike her mother who wants instant results. She likes to toy with her prey. Like a lot. I don't understand why you'd be disappointed with a ballroom scene so immaculately done only to have it desecrated by drenching it in raining blood? It was so cool! I feel like

I disagree. How can my opinion and Scott's opinion be so very opposite from one another every single time? I can't quite understand it. I thought the episode with the Cut Wife was a masterpiece, the next two episodes I thought were a bit boring and filler but not bad, just slowed down the movement of the plot too much