Zoe Butcher

Oh. It's like The Leftovers. lol. Well that counts me out for certain. I couldn't stand the Leftovers. I hate Damon Lindelof and now I hate the Wachowskis I guess, so yeah. I will never watch Sense8. Thank you for giving me an idea of what this show is actually like.

How so?

Wow. That's a high score for something the reviewer clearly didn't think was a very deep or well done plot. If they had thought that way and gave that same argument about style over substance with regards to Jupiter Ascending then why didn't they give it a high grade as well? That story sucked too. I'm not at all

You could be right but the whole episode still felt a bit off to me. I cannot quite put my finger on what it was though besides the cliff speech and then the stark contrast of them doing the exact opposite thing. We know that the witches can engage with them even during the day despite being nightcomers so it felt

This was probably the best action scene of the series, even superior to Blackwater and the siege by the wildlings on the wall…

Umm, Crowe should be sorry for not having a decent screenplay or a coherent movie instead of taking out his frustrations on Emma Stone. It's not her fault, she did her job and Crowe didn't do his.

I'm not sure, but I know I don't want to be devoured alive by a wild animal or freeze or burn to death or drown. I guess the best option would be to have a heart attack during sex. ;P

This episode didn't make any sense to me, Ethan did that whole speech about protecting their cliff, and then what did they all do? They left their cliff and went about their day interacting with everyone under the sun and engaging in lots of sex for no apparent reason. Both this and the previous episode seem like

There were BBS's as early as 1978 and Compuserve was active throughout the 80's before they were finally swallowed up by AOL, but it looked to me like they're running a BBS, and there were modem speeds of 300 baud to 14.4k during the 80's depending on what year the show claims it is, so no, not necessarily, the

I'm glad they decided to reboot the show so-to speak. I think I might decide to watch this second season after all…

I completely disagree with the reviewer's opinion that "Outlander understands rape". It's a ridiculous statement to be sure, because I don't know what I was disturbed by more, the fact that Jamie was brutally tortured and raped, or the fact that the actor playing Jamie at one point during the scene seemed to be

Eww. Hahaha! Yeah TMZ has all kinds of weird tales regarding Howard's off-screen behavior.

I don't like Matt Dillon as the male lead in this and his character in particular doesn't feel to me like it's written well. The writer seems like he didn't research how a secret service agent performs his job, his personality feels rather simplistic, and his character's motivations seem choppy and beholden to the

Ha! That's really funny. Terrance Howard and his agent probably thought they had more leverage than they actually did with Marvel Studios. It's always a risk to demand a raise or else and then threaten to bail on the job. You find out real quickly how much actual worth you are to other people when you pull a move like

I don't understand why critics are trashing this movie. I thought the plot was fascinating and I thought the cinematography was incredibly well done, and I also thought Jennifer Connelly, Mélanie Laurent, and Cillian Murphy's acting performances were phenomenally done. Does anyone know why this film is so panned?

I like it so far! It's scratching my mystery itch until Showtime's Twin Peaks comes out.

Apparently this series is based on a series of books whereby the author wrote fan fiction patterned after his favorite show Twin Peaks, but that it deviates quite a bit from Twin Peaks after the author wrote the fan fiction he changed up names then changed up plot devices and plot twists through a writing process of

This theory could be either proven or disproven by Ethan asking Kate to tell him what year it is just like he did with Beverly. I really don't see or understand how this could work, because Kate was taken 12 years ago in her perception but Ethan just spoke with her 5 weeks ago, and now Ethan wakes up in this town, and

It doesn't explain how Ethan had talked to the girl he cheated on his wife with only five weeks ago in his perception of the passage of time and yet she has aged 12 years in her time as well as having memories of all 12 years from the point she went missing, so that is the thing in particular that throws this theory a

It may not be much of an acting stretch for Terrence Howard given that TMZ is always reporting about Howard's possible spousal abuse irl a while back.