Zoe Butcher

Cherry 2000? =P

I'm so excited to watch the new Twin Peaks on showtime. What's so awesome about it, is that the new series will continue where the old one left off with Cooper saying 25 years later, and since it's on a pay channel it can be rated R like FWWM.

I like everything you said. They could totally go with a Matrix Reloaded thing, where Ethan or someone like him as in his predecessor who died is the "one" that is always sent to give the town a shaking up, but in the grander scheme of things he's still just a cog in a wheel, and I love the baby idea. Great theories!

Yeah. I actually didn't even notice how similar to Fire Walk With Me this has been until I started typing this out, I guess that's how fan fiction works, you write in the style of the original, then change names, and then set about changing whole plot threads and plot devices, it's more of a process of reduction

Just knowing that the author wrote this book series as a sortof fan-fiction to Twin Peaks from what I've heard, then I'm just expecting some garmonbozia, some damn fine coffee, and the black lodge but with the names all changed. We've already got the damn fine coffee(swap coffee for ice cream), the sheriff, and the

You mean like how Lindelof swore on a stack of bibles that he wouldn't end the show having them dead and in limbo on Lost and then some of them ended up dead and in limbo? Like that? LOL! If anything our theories are always more elaborate and more satisfying than the ones any single writer can come up with because we

But you know this is what this type of show is made to do, speculate endlessly on theories. That's the whole fun part to me!

Hahaha! Well the most cliched answer I could think of, but the most obvious, is that Ethan really does have brain hemorrhaging and a lot of this is delusional invention of things or that he's dreaming while in a coma.

Hey mod, you might want to do an expert/newbie for this show like with GoT, because this is based on a book and I'm fairly sure they're following it really closely, so just a heads-up. I haven't seen anyone spoiling anything yet, so that's good news, but still… Just in case. ;)

The most I can glean from the internet is that it isn't anything we've said on here, it's way out of left field. 50% said satisfied, 50% were like awww…. But like NO ONE will spoil this, I've never seen anything so unspoiled book or movie… It's remarkable. Try and look up the ending to wayward pines! You cannot find

I love cosmic horror, and very few movies get it right like ITMOM, that's why I was so excited about True Detective, and then the ending happened and I was like nooooooooooooooo! I wanted the old gods to show up, I wanted Rust to be whisked away to Carcosa.

Have you seen Leo in Frozen River? Mesmerizing performance in that film by her.

Right, they could take you a day before they took you the first time and a day before that and a day before that ad infinitum right up until the moment of your birth(almost like getting a haircut if you picture it metaphorically), but not one second after the first time they took you because you're already gone.

The doctor does seem rather Moreauish, but at the same time, all the townspeople as long as they obey the rules don't seem to be in any danger, and if they break the rules then they just get killed and have their throats slit in a reckoning, so Idk about the Moreau theory. I don't know what those things are out there,

Yeah, it would violate the grandfather paradox.

Well our theory that they could snatch the same person from different times violates the grandfather paradox I think, or just a temporal paradox in general, and so you would have to include the possibility that they are mining people from parallel universes then in order to not violate the paradox unnecessarily,

Well if they take you from different times then at some point you could only be in Wayward Pines because all your futures would converge there, so if they kill you in Wayward Pines, they can't go get you from somewhere else then except from a point before they got you the first time and not after, so idk. I'm confused.

Hahaha. Of course they could even go full-on lost, and Ethan is dead and this is him just trying to come to terms with his own death, but I definitely hope they don't pull a 'Lost'. ;P

Ooh! Good call! Like a million Wayward Pines each interlocked by a circle if you could see from a pulled-back view with each town populated by the same people, but wait, wouldn't that violate some temporal law or something? Maybe it isn't time travel, maybe it's clones… Maybe they're all clones. They could age the

That's my best guess too, and this show/book are remarkably spoiler-free online regarding the 'final' plot-twist, but from what I can discern, it's not something like that, it's way out of left field supposedly, but I still think it's a great guess.