Zoe Butcher

So a Children of the Corn/Village of the Damned/Who Can Kill A Child thing is Wynstone's guess? Idk.

Hey nknotz! How ya been? Do you like WP? Thoughts so far? What do you think the main plot twist will be?

Also, no, some deranged beings snatched Sheriff Pope. Those things are real whatever they are…

Can't be. If one person has aged 12 years while the other person just spoke to them at their normal age 5 weeks ago, then it has to be temporal in nature or cloning. My main guess would be aliens messing with people like in Dark City.

It is very strange though, the road loops(just like another of my favorite films In the Mouth of Madness, and perhaps that one road-looping thing is why I'm drawn to this show but to be honest ITMOM's road-loop was done better in my opinion), and yet another straight road must somehow connect to the town somewhere

I hope you're right, and that there's a time element to this where they can snatch people from other time periods and bring them to the town, which could be one possible way Beverly could rejoin the town, and that would be soul-crushingly sad to realize that even if the you you are escapes, they could just grab

Damn! They keep killing off people I want to keep watching like Juliette Lewis and Terrence Howard!

Yeah. This is anything but original. It's got the plot to half a dozen movies thrown into a mixer and doesn't give a damn which order they end up.

What a gift to Brad Bird to give this a B-. This is a full-blown stinker of a film and probably a box office bomb to boot. I can't blame Brad alone though, with Damon "script killer" Lindelof on-board to cobble a script together using school paste, another mystery box, and over a dozen well-worn sci-fi tropes. Anyone

In particular I loved his final line "I had a dream that I was an old man", or something to that effect, and the reason why is because I'm a little obsessed about the idea of the death dream.

I thought this was another good episode, it was well-acted and I enjoyed all the plot beats in 'Dead Birds', but the farther and deeper we go into this season I'm beginning to ask myself how has the fact that George Sibley vanishing from his home and town not been noticed yet or commented on by anyone, and in

I thought this was probably the weakest episode out of both seasons combined. It only moved the plot forward infinitesimally and it was a little corny with the scenes of Dorian and the transvestite playing ping pong and Dr. Frankenstein and Ives shopping for dresses. Thankfully the witches did their thing towards the


Hey! Gilly was only almost raped instead of raped and we get to learn that Sansa has been repeatedly raped for who knows how long instead of visually seeing her raped like last episode! Maybe the Mary Sue will reconsider banning promotion of the show, but something tells me probably not… ;)

Dorian Gray is yet another vessel for Lucifer. He sold his soul for his immortality and eternal youth just like Evelyn Poole, but it happened through a different mechanism. His is tied to his portrait. Evelyn's is tied to blood rituals and demonic worship. In my opinion this show is almost solely about Vanessa

I think this second season will easily best the first season. Just this one episode forced me to re-watch the first season all over again because I wanted to see how connected everything was and how much this particular episode informed the others and it was VERY connected. It's really nice to have a writer that cares

I was wondering about that cross branding iron, I think they achieved the right look by lighting the inside of the cross with red leds as there was no smoke coming off of it and I'm surprised they didn't add a little smoke in post, but still it looked fairly convincing!

Green's character Vanessa Ives is one of the most psychologically tortured people I've ever watched. The couple of times we've seen her "give in" to the devil's advances it didn't seem to be very good for her health any more than the decade of Herculean resistance she's put up fighting it to begin with, and yet even

1. The rape was unnecessary. We already know what Sansa is in for, she should've ran straight to Brienne when she had the chance but she's kindof an idiot and trusts the wrong people every single time, but we really didn't have to see it. We know Ramsey's a sadistic bastard and the dinner conversation was far more

What's ^ with all the damn raping going on in television today, and also, Black Jack Randall is approaching near-caricature levels of gay rapey villain fantasy porn. I just find it hard to believe that Randall could be this obsessed over one random man. He could beat the ever-loving tar out of anyone and rape them I'm