Zoe Butcher

Actually you're right! That film was a significant improvement over the original!

Yes! Loved Rome as well!

Karen's character will eventually find out who Matt really is.

So wait, this is just a Twin Peaks reboot? Meh.

Why not just make a reality tv show called The Key Party? lol.

Every single reboot has sucked in my opinion. Even the Evil Dead reboot. The original Evil Dead is scarier than the reboot, and Evil Dead 2 is so fascinating because of all of Raimi's innovative Gaspar Noe-like dizzying camerawork. As far as all the other reboots, they're even worse. There are two reboots I'd love to

The first season is kindof adorbz, but I didn't like the second season as much. I think it should've just remained a one-off show or an anthology perhaps where we see a completely new cast each season. Idk. I still watch it, but I doubt I'll be hyperventilating or anything when the new episodes for season three are

Bwahaha! :P

I love both(although to be perfectly honest I hated the final three episodes of TD), but you would have to admit that the early episodes of each season of Hannibal are too procedural in nature, although deeper into the seasons it becomes just as good if not even better than True Detective thanks to the amazing

I avoid all reviews now by Oliver Sava on AV Club out of spite. lol.


The Salvation is great. I'm a massive fan of both Eva Green and Mads Mikkelsen. They are in my opinion a couple of each of their generation's greatest actors working today. Have you watched S2 Ep 1 of Penny Dreadful yet? I love her in that series so much and can't wait for Hannibal to crank back up so I can get my

…also remember when the entire village wanted to murder Athelstan in S1? LOL! Why is Helga freaking out so much that Floki killed Athelstan? She barely knew him. I don't understand why she would be so upset with Floki especially after the scene last episode where the Christian is tortured by being made to hold a

Yay! Then another ^5 for you space robot! <3

Thank you! My two favorite episodes were Shadows in the Glass and Daredevil. I felt exactly the same as you did with my loyalties shifting constantly throughout this episode. The same thing happened while watching the Spartacus series DeKnight wrote and helmed. He has a really weird way of making you love bad guys

"This used to be my favourite show and in just one season, Hirst destroyed every single element I liked about it." <- I felt the same although it's not my 'favorite' show. What didn't work this season that worked in earlier seasons? Well the main thing is that Hirst obviously watches(and is heavily influenced and is a

…of course you're probably right that I'm taking it too personally, and that my ego has extended without me realizing it to protect the show that I like so much, so yes, I could use a little less anger when discussing what I don't like about Oliver's reviews. Some people just don't like or agree with one another and

This show seriously needs to slow down and stop rushing things and skipping months at a time and even leaps of years as far as time periods with no explanation to the viewer that this fast-forward occurred. This could've been a ten season show but not at the rate they're burning through important chronological events.

Which is exactly what Oliver's doing to DeKnight and Daredevil. Ragging on DeKnight and his (former) show and not caring to add anything of value to discussions about the show or give any constructive criticism which could help the creators make an even greater thirteen hours of television next go-round. Instead he

I didn't have to make my comment as long as I did, but I didn't want you to misunderstand me. It's not just the fan-girl in me that makes me angry at Oliver, it's the fact that he makes shit up out of thin air.