Zoe Butcher

Is it "pretty insightful" for Oliver to basically bald-faced lie saying that DeKnight was ran off the show and replaced?

He's using Oliver's words against him. I thought it was amusing as i did the same thing last review.

I actually dislike rave fanboy reviews like Les did with the latest season of Banshee, what I'm looking for is honest critique instead of blatant bias coupled with an agenda, and you're using a fallacious argument called false dilemma to try and quieten me which is as dishonest as Sava's reviews are in my opinion.

Did you feel like that was a switched-up riff on the Pulp Fiction bible quote? Different story, same basic parable though. I did. I really liked D'Onofrio's delivery of it as well. Quite chilling. I also know they used a phrase in an earlier episode that mentioned micro changes in air density and that was an Alien

Nope. I won't. If he has a right to his opinion and wants to deconstruct a story based out of the 60's-80's and judge it using 2015 political correctness then I'm going to mercilessly deconstruct his reviews as well and point out why he's dead wrong. I'm glad you like this show, but Oliver's words in his reviews DO

I'm a massive fan of DeKnight's writing. I loved Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Dollhouse, Spartacus, and Daredevil. I should put that out there to keep it honest, but to tell you the truth I just kept getting angrier and angrier the more I read his reviews and it culminated tonight finally with me throwing a glass candle

I might've cracked a smile twice if that. I just don't think this show is very laugh-out-loud funny. It's mildly humorous, but not enough for me to watch more than my first episode and say thanks but no thanks. It's less funny than the current SNL cast in my opinion which isn't good. I do think Schumer is funny at

Oliver would probably slam Mark Twain as well for antiquated views on race relations were a Twain adaptation made as a new tv series and he was forced to review it despite the fact that Twain has been in the grave for 105 years.

I just feel like it's incredibly dishonest and disingenuous to pretend that this series which has it's story roots and character's back stories firmly planted all the way back to the 60's - 80's in comic book form to be constantly harping about gender and race roles as if it were just created out of thin air in 2014

"Marvel Studios made a wise choice replacing DeKnight if “Daredevil” represents the type of show he would have wanted in the second season, downplaying the crime noir elements to deliver a generic urban superhero story without much personality."

It does. I can't tell the difference between an Oliver review and a Sonia review.


haha. that's sad. :P

Not unless Oliver is basically demanding that Marvel completely change Karen Page's character from the comics. Basically Oliver's problem is that he's critiquing something that had it's origins and character's back-stories from all the way back to the 60's-80's in comic book form, so while his criticism may have some

lol idk. I guess it's just basically whatever the actor or actress is comfortable doing. Personally, whether someone saw the side of my boob or the whole boob makes little difference to me, but I guess some women(and actresses) feel differently about it. It's probably the fact that once you do a completely topless or

I kindof hope not too. I also doubt Deborah Ann Woll would be on board to shoot scenes such as those either. She's an actress who prefers no-nudity clauses when working on shoots. She allows some side-boob periodically, but I don't believe she's done a fully nude or topless scene in any of her work so far.


My point is had she went to the police and told them she was defending herself, it would be very likely that a repeat of what had already happened to her once(being framed for murder, hiring a lawyer, waiting in a cell, and having a jailer try to strangle her to death) would happen a second time. Simple as that. This

But she did know. She and Ben had been investigating everything relating to Fisk and his connections to top city leaders, senators, judges, and cops.

She cannot go to the police and claim that it was self-defense Jane. Half the cops were in Fisk's pocket as well as politicians and even a senator. Admission that she killed Wesley would be tantamount to relinquishing her life to the Kingpin, it would be up to him whether or not she was charged with murder and/or Fisk