Zoe Butcher

Totally disagree. The film's proper ending should've happened as David came to rest at the bottom of the sea and was trapped by the wonder wheel repeating that he wished to become a real live boy over and over again to the blue fairy. Not all fairy tales have happy endings. This was one that shouldn't have had one, it

Agreed. Only Loki comes even remotely close, and then of course Ledger's the Joker(for the D.C. fans), but no villain in either universe has ever received such an in-depth character study like the Kingpin over the course of so many hours of story-line(with regards to either film or television), so it's hardly fair to

That's weird that this episode was the one given an A- because this was the least interesting episode out of the whole bunch in my opinion, it kindof dragged somewhat and they spent a bit too long in the warehouse, but still such a great great series when watched as a whole. Honestly I shouldn't complain about this

Yes, it seems like both Fisk and Murdock were forged from the same fire of corruption, poverty, and violence when they were youths, but they became two different weapons due to who raised them. Fisk's father was violent and domineering and forced his boy to fight whereas Murdock's father was also violent, but not

I had to stop watching this show after realizing the epicness that Daredevil achieved. This and Gotham and Arrow are complete crap in comparison. I'll just be waiting for the other 3 netflix/marvel shows to air…

Well, I just finished the entire series and all I can say is WOW! DeKnight does it again with Spartacus and now Daredevil, I think he just might be my favorite combination writer/director/show-runner of all time. It's the emotions that he draws out of his characters when writing, and from the actors during their

But there won't be any flash forwards to the present time like the last movie?

I think the cat's out of the bag so to speak, almost everyone is saying Fisk's name now, so in a sense, he cannot exist solely in the shadows any longer, Daredevil fixed that by spreading his name all over town. Oh, and I love this show. I expected nothing short of brilliance from the former Spartacus show-runner

What about Rogue? Anna Paquin isn't listed in the cast, and she was cut out of the theatrical release of Days of Future Past. What's ^ with that?

Jesus what a cynical critic(and this is coming from a confirmed pessimist), this show is really different from other television series out there, and that's a good thing, not a bad thing. It's not like they're anything alike but for some reason while watching Daredevil, True Detective S1 kept popping up in my head

I wonder what it feels like to burn like that, I picture it feeling like you can sense cells dying a few at a time. What an awful awful way to go. Snow did the kindest thing possible.

I think this is a better top 50 of the decade list personally, but there are some similarities, they just cut out all the Haywires and Edge of Tomorrows and other 'wtf are these doing here' films on this list. Letterboxd is my favorite site to locate what to watch, because the hard part is keeping up with releases,

Also a few other ones that come to mind are Stand By Me, Cinema Paradiso, and Flashbacks of a Fool. All of those were better coming of age stories in my opinion than Boyhood.


Hulu plus is worth it for the Criterion collection online.

I get that Soderbergh went on a bender experimenting with inexperienced actresses as leads, but all that happened was that Haywire and The Girlfriend Experience had the lead acting chops of a porn film with a sizable budget and a decent supporting cast. I'm not sure what Soderbergh was trying to do, I guess see if

Inception, The Matrix, and The Empire Strikes Back are great films. Looper's not a classic like those although it wishes it was… It wasn't a bad movie, it was a fun popcorn movie, but I believe Predestination delivers where Looper failed. If you haven't seen Predestination yet, give it a try Tom. ;)

I love Soderbergh and I love the Knick, but I'm sorry. Haywire and The Girlfriend Experience are complete trash.

The Tree of Life by Malick is about as good as it will ever get to show what growing up as a child was really like. Boyhood is a joke in comparison to the splendor of that film. Boyhood was way over-scripted, inorganic, and probably my least favorite Linklater film. He relied too much on the gimmick in my opinion.

Edge of Tomorrow, Haywire, Skyfall, and Greenberg and Looper shouldn't be on the list at all period. lol.