Zoe Butcher

Toy Story 2 was my favorite. The unwanted doll part of the plot will slay any child and make them weep because every child's fear is abandonment.

A Scanner Darkly was also a Linklater film. Just suppose Linklater decided to make a time-spanning film like A Scanner Darkly using the same actors over the same 12 year period. That's what I mean. It could've been an incredibly interesting plot rather than an over-scripted slice of life type of film.

…and Enemy and The Double


I really wasn't very impressed with Boyhood. It felt way too structured plot-wise and wasn't organic enough to feel sincere in my opinion. Personally, I would've been infinitely more fascinated if Linklater had made the film in the exact same way but had a different plot, like if it had followed a conspiracy nut or a

I thought it was extremely fascinating, not for the subject matter or the style or anything like that, it was because it was an unintended peek into the psychology of the obsessed and the obsessive-compulsive mind.

LOL @ Edge of Tomorrow, Skyfall, Haywire, and Looper. Those in particular seem really out of place amongst this list. If I had to jam a time travel movie into this list Predestination and Primer are superior in every way to Looper so I would've swapped those out.

I think I like Mercy the best. She's like Maleficent on shrooms.

I really don't like this season of Vikings much, it feels so rushed and unable to keep up with characters and their motives. The writing has never been perfect, but I've never seen it have so many problems as it does with this third season in particular…

It was nice to have this show to watch again. I was one of the few who deeply disliked the mid-season finale, and I can't say I liked this new episode much because some of it felt inauthentic and a little hokey and harlequin at times, but there were scenes that saved this episode, specifically the scenes about

I'm really excited about S2 of Salem, so thank you AV Club and LaToya for reviewing it! Salem was one of those shows that came out of nowhere on some unheard of channel in the 800's range on your directv, but I really grew to love this series. It's one of the few shows out there that has had a completely bonkers

The problem I have with Noah is that he's just not very funny. His routines follow the same pattern of hundreds and perhaps even thousands of other comics out there. His material isn't fresh and it's often corny as hell. He does the whole black people talk like this, white people talk like that routine. Super original

It's kindof hard to pinpoint where I believe the show went off the rails for me, but I would like to say that S1 other than a couple of filler eps was practically perfect pulp television with a real emotional core to it. I think I had assumed that this wouldn't be a long-running series because I mean seriously, how

I'll give it one more shot next season, a couple of eps, but if it feels the same I'll be bailing which is a shame, I really liked this show in S1, it just feels like the quality has been dramatically reduced or they've just ran out of ideas. We'll see…

For me, it was just that I had never seen a show exactly like Banshee. I guess the closest comparison to it would be Spartacus, but all I was trying to say is that I was invested in the characters in S1. I cared for them. At this point, the fighting has become predictable, the sex has become predictable, and the

It's nothing personal. I've just never seen a show critiqued on AV Club like I was reading Aint it cool news reviews instead. Usually they're a bit more brutally honest on this site, and I've come to expect and admire that.

S1 was amazing. S2 was all over the map, and this season was all over the map and extremely hokey to boot(they can throw in all the fan service sex they want and tom savini style exploding body sfx, but if the story is shallow and doesn't flow and make sense character-wise, then I cannot allow myself to enjoy it. I

I'm surprised they didn't choose Louisiana, because tons of shows shoot there. Tons of them.

Samesies. S1 rocked. S2 meh. S3 FTW is this shit? In my opinion it's going downhill faster than True Blood.

They had him taking out drug dealers, so I'm guessing he'll have to expand his operation and become an even bigger baddie. I do think they need to get out of Banshee though, it's becoming tiresome. Really the entire series has become tiresome. The only people I like watching onscreen are Kai and Hood and Procter's