Zoe Butcher

Lily as an actress does better as a lolita type riding the line between good and bad, this season she's looked mostly absurd pretending to be a bad girl. She's killed like a bunch of people and still acts like she's in a Britney Spears music video. lol. Oops! I did it again Uncle Kai!

Ikr, and these reviews. lol. I might've been able to take Les seriously as a reviewer if he had not given the entire season straight a's and maybe one b+ if I remember correctly. Ridiculous.

Nonsense. A couple of seasons ago he got beat up on a regular basis not to mention refused to help his wife because he was scared to get involved, suddenly he turned into a finely tuned sniper as if he and Hood had been working together for a decade. You're free to say that that is his back story, but it sure didn't

It's bad. Real bad. It's now worse than Strike Back in my opinion.

lol @ A. This episode was just embarrassing. Was that the mayor Hood had as his sidekick who's not a fighter or a soldier at all somehow becoming an insta-mercenary? This season has been so very messy. I'll probably skip out on next season if there is one. I'm out.

Are you saying that you think it's implausible for the police to receive tanks? Police have tanks right now in the US. lol.

Yea. Her decision to treat someone who had just threatened her and might've raped and killed her had he not passed out was not believable at all character-wise.


I totally LMBO. Thanx, CFAmick. =P

I'm upset Under the Skin wasn't given a special effects nod.

Worst Oscars ever. Made MacFarlane's Oscar hosting job seem like a smash hit in comparison. Horrible sets. Flubbed lines. Ridiculous musical numbers(everything is awesome, really? no, no it's not…). Excruciatingly boring. I had to turn it off. It's just one giant narcissistic circle jerk of first generation one

haha. I guess that's true. ;P

I'm just not an ideologue like 98% of the people on here. Excuse me for not hopping on the left or right wing train. lol. All this did is cause more hits on Mother Jones and cause viewers on the Factor to be super-defensive. Be realistic. Your outrage will affect nothing.

…and O'Reilly's not a reporter anymore. This feels like we're going in circles.

I'm a nihilist. Haha.

I'm guessing you think politicians shouldn't lie either when it's absolutely a necessary tool in a skill set to continue being a long term politician, am I right? I just don't see the world in black and white like you Donald. I'm sorry. ;)

I understand your feelings and your frustrations, but sadly there wont be a single consequence to this Mother Jones article other than more hits to the MJ website and more enraged viewers to the Factor. He will not be suspended nor will he be fired nor will he resign, so it's pointless to get all worked up about it.


I understand that he claims that he is. People who are smart know that he isn't. He's a bullsh!t artist. That's why I could care less that he lied. I do care that WIlliams lied, his job was to tell the truth.

I don't take O'Reilly seriously. I've thought out my position and argument just fine, Donald. Obviously you take O'Reilly dead seriously. lol.