Zoe Butcher

See, the difference here is you're worried about the people who believe O'Reilly to be a credible man operating a real news show. I can't help people like that, because they're delusional. I know the Factor isn't a real news show, it's no more real than the Colbert Report. If for instance Colbert was found out to have

I think you think I'm defending O'Reilly when I'm not, I'm differentiating between the two men and their jobs and the impact the lies have to their industries. William's lies have definitely had an impact on the journalism industry, and O'Reilly's lies will have little to no impact because an opinion man's job is to

It does to me, because he's no longer a working reporter and WIlliams is(albeit a suspended one)… How does that opinion not make any sense to you?

Yes, he was, and he probably did puff up his credentials, but I just don't see that it matters any longer since he's not a reporter any more. I guess the most you can say is he probably wasn't that great of a reporter and that's why he no longer has that job, you know? lol.

Bill O'Reilly isn't a real reporter. How could Bill bother you more than Brian Williams? I kindof doubt you're a "working reporter" if you honestly think that. Not trying to be rude, but that makes no sense. One is an opinion man who's entire job is to spin the truth, and the other's job is to tell us the truth

No, the difference is Brian Williams is a bonafide journalist, war correspondent/news reporter/news anchor/news editor who has been caught telling over 30 fictional accounts of events that never happened. He had a moral, ethical, and contractual obligation to be truthful and behave with dignity and integrity and he

A? Seriously? I gave it a D. Personally, I thought this was one of the more cheesy episodes of Banshee in a good long while for the first 30 minutes. We had Deva's new boy-toy fighting with cattle prods in a drained swimming pool like some scene out of the bmx 80's movie Rad or the skateboard flick Thrashin', plus we

He's killed one innocent. The mayor at the end of S1. Remember? He blew up the building and the mayor was inside, but technically it was Rebecca who hit the switch.

Wow… Brock's ex-wife is completely unprofessional. looooooool. Also, there's no way Chayton would have been able to so much as take a step much less move at a full sprint after Hood basically severed and ground his quadriceps into mush. Also, I'm really disliking what they're doing to Kai Procter this season. He's

It wasn't just a character loss to me, the actress playing Siobhan had some solid acting chops, better than most of the cast, and that is what the show will miss as will the viewers. What a shame they didn't pull a Peaky Blinders, throw up death flags all over the place and then subvert your expectations…

Eh. Death flags were all over the place for Siobhan. Ridiculously predictable. I wish they'd pulled a Peaky Blinders let the death flags fly high and then pull a feint, but it was not to be in Banshee…

Secretary was an amazing film. This movie sounds horrible.

It's a box office bomb. Think 47 Ronin. Battlefield Earth. The Lone Ranger. After Earth. Mars Needs Moms. John Carter. Cowboys and Aliens. It's probably a career-ending flop. They will never be given a 100 million+ budget again according to some inside sources at Warner Brothers. Either the Wachowskis will go back to

He sounds horrible live.

What a shocker. Another Grammy gifted to Lady FlopGa for doing little to nothing to earn it. An album chock-full of tired-ass jazz cover tunes with a cast member extra from the Walking Dead and she gets a Grammy? Sam Smith with multiple grammies while D'Angelo's new album languishes in obscurity? Criminal. Grammys are

Hey nknotz!

My point is that I seriously don't think the physical battery body actually died if they thought they died inside the matrix. I believe they probably just thought they were dead and were cut off from the matrix but their physical selves most likely continued to fuel the matrix itself, thus Neo and Trinity weren't

Neo's didn't.

Umm the guards and everyone else are projections of people inside the Matrix. The guard's real bodies are inside a liquid filled capsule being used as a battery. Did you forget that part, Zoot? LOL. So no, they aren't killing anyone. It's all a simulation, and no, Neo died in the Matrix and he didn't die in real life,

This sounds God-awful. I firmly believe this is gonna be one helluva box office bomb.