Zoe Butcher

Wow, so Miyazaki was attached in some way to this film? No wonder it was one of the better animated children's films…

You didn't like Predestination? I thought it was one of the better sci-fi films I've seen in recent years. It's no 2001 or anything, not even on par with the first Matrix, but I can see through watching their filmography taking more and more chances and getting more and more audacious with shot choices, effects, etc.

When does the new season start?

This doesn't sound good. What happened to the Wachowskis? I think the family duo who directed Predestination are next up at bat to make the next Matrix-style phenomenon…

These are 3 chord pop songs. Hard not to copy the other millions that have came before it. There are only so many iterations of the same 3 chords and the same minor or major scales when singing melody runs before you realize everything is very redundant in pop music. I don't see this as a big deal… In fact, I'd say

Yep. that Hood/MMA fight scene was so vicious, the reason why it worked better than the others in my opinion is because Hood had to cheat to win against a professional mixed martial artist bound by body muscle memory from training a certain way over and over again. That moment when Hood realized all he had to do was

I've never gotten upset at a character death on Banshee like I have while watching Spartacus. Let's put it that way. It kindof pissed me off that they killed Nora. She was really cool, the only way this show could send me into a complete rage at this point though like Spartacus did almost on a regular basis would be

Totally agree on that point. Spartacus and Banshee are close cousins, Banshee just doesn't bother with riding the feels train, it's almost completely pulp.

Any episode of Spartacus past the first 3 will do that to you as well. ;)

Agree. The Hood/MMA fight scene and the Hood/Albino scene will not be topped I doubt. Those were proper insanity.

No way this series is better than Spartacus. lol. Come on. Spartacus had insane action AND massive feels. No comparison…

No I was talking about the series Salem.

Nice review. It piqued my curiosity.

S1 was my favorite, but he blew the ending. S2 had a lot of great moments in it, but as a whole it was a mess. Coven had a vibe starting out that it was going to be a fun mahou shoujo kindof thing, but it fell apart two thirds of the way through as well. This season was a mess from the very beginning. I wouldn't waste

Yep. This show has two major problems. Story continuity issues and constantly shifting character motivations that make no sense in order to cover up bad/lazy writing. Murphy doesn't care about the plot. He doesn't care about the characters either and whether any of it makes a lick of sense.

So glad I stopped watching this rubbish many episodes ago. I will never give Murphy's shows another single minute of my life to bore me to death with his seemingly bottomless bag of tropes, cliches, and bi-polar character motivations. It's like he's saying fuck you to the audience and his cast and to the profession of

A movie that's being compared to The Wages of Fear/Sorcerer? I'm excited!

What was Jake nominated for? Nightcrawler?

I'm happy for them, but they were not my fav films of the year. My favs were Under the Skin, Enemy, Maps to the Stars, Force Majeure, and Nymphomaniac Vol. 1.

A really strange funny movie. You should watch it!