Zoe Butcher

My two favorite female roles for 2014 were Julianne Moore's performance as Havana in Maps to the Stars and Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance as Clara in Frank.

Just don't post a photo of stepping on your dog on facebook like Sarah Palin did. ;P

Oh Lawd. Ill never look at Channing Tatum the same again after reading that leaked Sony email. Hahaha. So cute. So dumb.

Keaton took one too many xanax. He's got a bad case of mush-mouth.

Emma Stone looks fabulous.

Honestly I thought The Tree of Life captured boyhood and growing up better than Boyhood.

Hahaha. Looking is a fun show but it truly is a half-baked caricature of gay lifestyles. Next episode will explore bath houses and glory holes.

Its just a typical slice of life growing up film that had a gimmick to it. I wasn't that impressed. Apted's Up! series was better in my opinion. I'd have been much more impressed if he had used the gimmick AND created some dense decades-long espionage thriller.

What is up with the trend of 60+ aged actors getting hoop earrings?

Its really sad though listening to his speech and everyone's reactions. They so desperately need confirmation. There's a scene in Birdman that really sums up Clooney's speech where the female lead starts crying because she still feels like a little girl pretending to be an actress and she is easily consoled just by

I'm surprised no one said The Descendants or Up in the Air.

Matt's Oscar speech was better.

hahahaha. no.

So what was Clooney's best role? I'd have to go with O Brother Where Art Thou.

I hate it when they feign humility when accepting the award. If you were truly humble you wouldn't even show up to a public circle jerk. lol.

I loathe the affair now. The first few episodes had me hooked thinking it was going to be a unique noir mystery but then it turned into an insipid trope-ridden night-time soap opera towards the end, I bailed before the finale and gave up.

I'd prefer her to continue working in long-form tv projects, personally, but she's really good in little gems like Frank and Sherrybaby.

Totes agree. Force Majeure felt so fresh and different. You really never knew what the heck the movie was about until the end, and you didn't know what was going to happen either, was someone going to die, was there some great tragedy about to happen, etc. Also it was very very funny.

Was it just me or did Jessica Lange look pissed? lol.

I haven't seen Leviathan but I adored Force Majeure. I would've went with FM over Leviathan.