Zoe Butcher

Why are comedians demanding such high salaries as actors? If I were a traditional actor I would certainly be insulted.

Thankfully I bailed on this show last episode. Sounds like it was the right decision. Messy messy show.

A fun noir twist would've been for max to have been paying alison to sleep with and lure noah into falling in love with her.

We're outnumbered three to one lovers vs haters. Those are fair odds for any show. We aren't alone in noticing the problems and even the diehards will admit to them but it's fine if they enjoy the performances. I just dare any of them to tell me the drama is prestige-level. It's not. It's definitely a night time soap

It would've made sense if they had kept the entire dual recollections as interrogation interviews for the whole season, but because the interrogation ended awhile back it went off the rails for me, but we've been over this several times now. I stuck with it hoping for the best but expecting the worst and yet I became

Interesting point. It was the promo reviews and the commercials selling the mystery angle that drew me to this hoping for a more feminine true detective type of thing, but the mystery isn't really mysterious and the characters are so soap opera-written that I don't feel any connection to them. I've ceased to be drawn

It makes no sense though. Two competing versions of events with a completely different thread of a detective meandering around through another timeline trying to sew the two stories together to have it make some semblance of sense, except there's not any sense to be made at all. The show is trying to be meta + True

She probably won't end up with either one and just go her own way. She had one guy who made her deal cocaine and the other guy who uses her like a plaything. Karmically it would serve them all to end up alone, but who knows how it will play out in the end. The worst part about it is I just don't care anymore tbh. :/

I enjoyed this film. I gave it a B.

Let's be honest, for those of us who were most intrigued with the potential mystery/noir angle, well, we all probably hate this show by this point, but for those interested in the soap opera/character angles then they probably love this show, but sadly I belong to the first group and I will not be watching season two

Terrible terrible season. Definitely the worst season of AHS. It's just a mess. Part gay porn homage/part under the dome-style inexplicable character motivations shifting from episode to episode. They also never really kill off characters this season either giving us false deaths, fantasies, or ghosts reappearing.

Wish I'd skipped the finale. Now I know I wasted a vast amount of time on utter bullshit. The thing sucked.

1. RPGS were launched at a convoy so they send every last marine and put them all in the middle of a wagon train shoot-out when they don't know if people are still taking shots at them. Never would've happened.
2. They would always leave some amount of guards in a lower tunnel, not just one. Not believable.
3. They

This show makes the CIA seem completely inept. There's no way Carrie would still have a job when she's been there after the CIA was blown up and an embassy invaded. lol.

"Mother, you're no better than the Roosevelts…"
"How dare you use that name in this house, Dandy?"

The previous episode felt much more natural than this one did. I didn't like this one at all and probably will hate the finale. I just can't get over the fact that Jax was made out to be some kind of plot mastermind this whole season by Sutter only to be the most ignorant and dimwitted one of all in personal matters.

This was a bad film. A boring film. Poorly acted by Lawrence. She felt like she was just going through the motions. Very little of this film felt important or entertaining or emotional.

Before network news became for profit it may have been something that was borderline government propaganda at times, and after it became for profit it became part of corporate conglomerates that prefer to not report on things that involve bad-mouthing their own conglomerate which causes you to distrust what they're

Agreed. This plot theme would work better if this wasn't about network news and was instead about some classic news magazine that is dying which is filled with honest to God investigative reporting.

100% agree. Rick has gotten so many of his group killed by making poor decisions. He doesn't mean to, but it still happens because he's self-absorbed and only thinks about his own emotions.