Zoe Butcher

Sent you an email. You know I don't like animation and very little anime but I wanted to let you know I watched something fascinating called Shin Sekai Yori over thanksgiving weekend. Crazy good sci-fi/fantasy world building… :)

Rick is worse. He got Beth killed with his silly plan, and he's gotten countless other members of his group killed with similar poor judgment calls. He's a terrible leader. End of story. I've hated Rick since day one for some reason, always knew he'd turn out to be as bad as the governor.

At the showdown at the end of the episode, clearly Rick's group has superior numbers. They were afraid of Rick's group. They should've had it be like the cop group had upwards of 40 numbers because it made the end scene seem ridiculous.

Bob's leg being eaten was supposed to be Dale's leg wasn't it? They changed it from the comics.

I've accidentally stepped on a nail protruding out from a floorboard and yes I freaked out at first, but then pulled my foot off of it and didn't limp the rest of the day, it's just tender, Gabriel was staggering around like he'd broke his ankle. lol.

lolol! oh!

But Shane wasn't a dick like Rick is until Rick showed up. Shane was doing a perfect imitation of an alpha male(trying to be the perfect hero and a perfect leader), then real alpha Rick shows up and forces Shane into beta male mode which causes him to go dark and angry and jealous. Everything would've been better if

No, I prefer Indian or Greek actually. :)

Like I said, WE know that, but why would Rick trust Noah over a fellow cop? All Rick knows for sure is they saved Beth and kept her alive.

The point is that he doesn't feel badly anymore for anything he does. He has no remorse and is quite murderous and evil. Rick is a narcissistic unstable psychopath. I'd rather be led by Shane any day as opposed to Rick. I miss Shane(and before you say Shane was bad too, he wasn't until Rick showed up, Rick ruined

Hahaha. His back's broken and his arms are tied behind his back. Someone would have to walk up to him and place their arm next to his teeth to chomp on. Hahaha.

I had thought that we would always have a distinct difference between the foes and the "heroes" of our story, i.e. Rick's group, but they're fast becoming as psychotic and murderous and immoral as anyone else we've encountered. There are only bad people surviving on this show, anyone genuinely good dies pretty

Rick doesn't know any of that for one, the cops also saved the people(yes they rape them too but I'd say rape is pretty common at this point, but all in all their fruity society is more stable than Rick's group in comparison if they're just going to murder people for running…), they don't wonton murder them like Rick

I haven't watched past this scene, but i would think shooting him in the leg would've sufficed, don't you think? Just drive the car up to him and shoot him in the thigh or something. Totally unnecessary and way overboard. This group of survivors is fast on their way to becoming as violent, psychotic, and mentally

WTF? Rick is a dick. No better than the cannibals. The cop was just trying to escape imprisonment and kidnapping(yes he knocked the girl over but he didn't try to kill her or anything), the cop did what anyone would do if given the chance. He doesn't know these people and they don't know him. Rick just drove over him

This episode felt like a bunch of nonsense being thrown at a wall and hoping something sticks. The weakest episode of the season so far, also, why must Sorkin piss all over the most dramatic parts of the story at the worst times, and why does Sorkin have to drag out each plot thread to the point of maddening dullness?

Oh I was talking about Predestination.

The Rover, Predestination, and the Babadook seem to me to suggest that there's going to be some fine Australian film productions coming down the pike.

Yep. I don't know why it didn't get a theatrical release because it had a decent budget, great directing, writing, and acting. I had to use internet sorcery to view it but it's so good I'll most certainly buy the blu-ray. A real nice puzzle and a great addition to the sci-fi genre.

Has to be Night of the Living Dead. It's a droll poorly acted piece of film for the most part, a scary soap opera, and then the end happens and you're like BRILLIANT!