Zoe Butcher


That's what they get for making one book into two movies. It was the weakest of the books and this is the one they decide to make into two parts? Mk.

Same. The end was just meh. Mk. All the rest though was fantastic. Sortof a mashup with the Evil Dead and The Shining.

I loved everything about this film until the end. I won't talk about the end though.

That's something that has always really bugged me in shows and movies. A character all but gives up and has prepared to die in their mind, and then they survive. If you go through all the trouble of accepting your own death which is an immense thing to do, other people shouldn't stop you from dying. It's rude and is

Wasn't the end where both Alison and Noah told the detective they'd had sex after that shindig with Max in attendance? I'm sortof confused at the detective's two scenes. Reading a book then asking one question and walking away…

Only because it anchored everything for 5 episodes and 10 segments each. We saw the detective regularly and then last episode he was nowhere to be found, I thought it was abruptly odd is all and made no sense, now that he's back it still makes little sense structurally but I'm just rolling with it. I will say I'm

Good question!

Silliness. Saul seems to be the new Brody and is escaping death after death after death. The writers just keep on making the same mistakes but switching the characters around. There is no emotional heft to this show because the people that matter the most just won't die when they're supposed to so that we can feel

They really really bug me. Don't they realize some countries are forcing people to only have one child? We've got billions on this planet. Too many people and dwindling resources. Two or three kids should be the absolute limit in 2014 in my opinion.

"What works a bit less here is the perspective switch between the detective investigating Scotty’s murder in the present day and Noah and Alison’ stories in the past. When the show completely dropped the interrogation framework last week and just continued to tell Noah and Alison’s stories it felt like a natural

We still don't have a time jump yet though. We are still not in the present timeline completely with all characters in the same timeline as the detective, we're still being led through the moments of the end of the summer but we have gotten a glimpse back into the present timeline once again which makes last episode a

Joshua did the impossible. He made you feel great empathy for a cocaine dealer. lol.

Then the Duggars must be having panic attacks every ten minutes. lol.

I still dislike the drifting structure we're seeing. We've got a detective wandering around in another timeline with no cues whatsoever, it's still a jumbled mess, and we're still meandering through the past timeline through the two perspectives. With that judgment placed aside, I did enjoy the episode. Mostly I

Character motivations shift from episode to episode so drastically that they give me the feeling the writer was just playing a game of darts while drunk throwing them at a dartboard covered in plot possibilities.

Eggsactly! Wait until the blackmailer is asleep then kill him or call his bluff. He has to sleep eventually. Nobody's watching him all day and all night. Stupid. There was absolutely no point to us watching him chloroform Amazon Eve other than it was funny. She's not really a freak, she's just a really tall lady. Now

They killed her like 3 freaking times and expected us to feel something this last murder scenario. lol. Why would the strong man not just kill the blackmailer instead of Ma Petite? He's not getting any money out of this. Stupid. All he had to do was wait until the guy was asleep and then beat him to death. Simple.

This season is such a mess. Such an absolute mess. It's nice to look at and there are some interesting acting performances, but jesus christ… The character motivations literally shift on a dime and feel as schizophrenic as the character motivations in under the dome. The twins don't want to come to a freakshow but

Hating this season. Don't know why I'm still watching because it's so boring I'm always playing iphone games and half-watching it. It should be put out of it's misery.