Zoe Butcher

Listen. I'm not. I just don't think you understand what I'm trying to say or maybe I'm not saying it well enough. I'm talking about the foundational structure of the storytelling devices themselves. It's like the math is wrong. This story is being told in a multi-layered narrative timeline.

We all know that. I'm not talking about their memories, I'm talking about why we're still seeing their memories of the past? Why? The interview, the interrogation is over. Why are we not in the present with them now? There's no valid narrative reason as to why we're still seeing past events unfolding.

You're missing the point. Who are they telling their story to and/or why are we still seeing events taking place in their past? Narratively it makes no sense, because we were hearing about the past for the explicit purpose of providing answers to a police detective, now that the interrogation is over why are we still

100% agreed. Homeland did it again. They do it over and over again dragging out something that should've obviously happened in the moment that it should've happened. Mandy Patenkin is notorious about giving up on tv shows, and really they should've let him kill himself in that moment. It would've had more emotional

This episode had moments of fascinating greatness which were ham-strung by extreme moments of plot silliness and character decisions which seemed unlikely, which is par for the course when talking about Homeland. It would sure be nice if just for one season we got a great series minus the plot silliness and

I'm very specifically zeroing in on the fact that we're still seeing past events for no apparent narrative reason. Who are Noah and Alison telling this story to or why are we being allowed to see it when we should be seeing Noah and Alison in present-tense after the interview? It has to be that this is Noah's book or

It's the only explanation that I can think of, besides a botched editing job of this episode(it happens, see all of the second season of masters of sex for example, it was an editing mess which disrupted whole story lines and sub-plots which were half-told then never resolved).

"As episode six proves by stripping out the framework altogether, those interrogation scenes aren’t a crutch. They’re a tool, and for the first time they just weren’t necessary in order to tell the story. That The Affair has the confidence and freedom to recognize this and adjust the episode structure accordingly,

I see no narrative reason why they've continued the split perspectives and we are still being shown the events leading up to Scotty's death now that we've arrived at the moment of post-interrogation in the present-tense timeline. Really it makes no sense and it feels like we've fallen down a rabbit hole. Who are they

Supposedly Treyarch, the third game production company that makes the CoD games is going to be making CoD WaW2 + Zombies sometime in about eight-ten months. I'm skipping this game and waiting for new zombies, not this left 4 dead-style bonus game on CODAW.

It's still not close enough to the end. The lie is the crux of the whole season. Since Abel lied about his grandmother hurting him Jax will assume he's lying about this too I'm sure. He just won't know why. Jax is a moron. He'll need Nero, Abel, Unser, Wendy, and Juice telling him it's true before he might sortof

Brillent! <—- My new saying stolen from John Oliver, as I hear Regina George whispering in my ear… "Zoe, stop trying to make brillent happen".

I noticed she was better than the average actress on the show in her first scene. She's doing pretty good. ;)

Tig felt shame after having sex with Venus and Venus saw it on his face, then she looked in the mirror and realized she hadn't put her make-up on yet. That was a sad scene. Venus needs to stay as far away from the Sons as she can get anyway. Shit's gonna go down eventually(we hope), like in 8 episodes or 989 minutes


But hey, that's the girl Jax had sex with right? She's a really believable actress! She's good in a horrible show!

The worst part is that the rape wasn't believable. Most people know Manson supposedly has one of the biggest dicks in the music industry. Juice would NOT have been lying there motionless…

Hahaha! That opening sexual montage was so unintentionally hilarious! Just the fact that Juice was being raped by Marilyn Manson in a jail cell while soft sweet music is serenading us over the top of the disturbing visual was enough to make me actually laugh out loud at the absurdity and perversion of Sutter's mind.

1. Love isn't a dimension(I don't think anyway, unless it's a very fucked up dimension where your choices lead you to the exact wrong person for the wrong reasons most of the time).
2. You couldn't survive going into a black hole.
3. Worm holes are pure speculation.

How many people are actually watching the blacklist? I just want to get a sense of how many people watch shitty shows…