Zoe Butcher

I hope that they're going to do it more in the vein of Evil Dead 2 rather than Army of Darkness. AoD felt a bit too silly, it was still fun, but I liked ED1 & ED2 the best. I want it to still be scary in the scary parts, not an all-out slapstick comedy with zero scares.

Agreed. It's just that both of these shows are selling us something that we like, the mystery, and then when the reveal happens in both shows, it's quite underwhelming. It's like those late night infomercials that used to run, they advertise something that might be astonishing if it works, so you buy it, and then you

I love noir, I love mystery, I even love the Rashomon-like interrogation structure of both The Affair and True Detective, but they are using the technique(in place of) actually constructing a dense plot in order to create mystery, and the big reveal is some character we don't even know, so Scotty is relegated to a

Hahaha! Plus my theory was wrong, so fuck you The Affair! *kicks rocks*

They have never mentioned drugs, the show has mentioned illegal stills and prohibition though.

That's true. If it took five episodes it wouldn't be adhd, but I just like saying adhd. ;P

I posted a youtube video up higher of her as Temple Grandin, I'd be curious to see what you think of it, because her Temple Grandin character and her Carrie character in this episode in particular seem to be nearly identical except for different haircuts. lol.

I know. I know. Everyone told me the same thing when I was supremely let down in the third act of True Detective. It's a character study. It's character-driven, not plot-driven. It would be nice if show-runners could walk and chew bubble gum at the same time though…

I'm not talking about like weed or acid or ecstasy, which make sound just sound 'different' and 'better', like listening through a conch, or the feeling that sound is more open or more compressed, I mean she suddenly had super-hearing where it was like she had a unidirectional zoom mic pointed through two rooms away

The ISI are killing it, no question. They're making a complete fool of the CIA's Pakistani bureau which is being ran by a bipolar sociopath, go figure…

The closest thing I've seen to a movie getting a bad drug trip right would have to be a found footage film called Mr. Jones. It's not great, but what it gets right it gets right. The hallucinations, dissociating from reality, the stuttering visual and auditory effect, the terror, the paranoia, the fear…

2cb is a lot like mda. I had taken 3 very strong mda pills and I was seeing pixar movies in the middle of the air. Very crisp digitally animated looping hallucinations(like the coca-cola polar bear commercial) and any other thing my mind could randomly animate and generate, along with hallucinated movements of my own

Ugh. So it was just some mundane tertiary character we've seen for all of 30 seconds onscreen and nobody watching gives two shits about that died. Major bummer…
It was Scotty.

I know! I was thinking the same thing last episode! Wow, the CIA is remarkably emotional and democratic about making tough decisions! It's almost like…

Are those common effects of untreated bipolar?

Hahaha! :P

Most people haven't! She was almost to a jimson weed/datura dissociative bad trip.

It was a really crisp hallucino-dissociative, like mda+low grade mescaline+a bad reaction to a synthetic canniboid+her not having her meds+bath salts. :P

You have to suspend too much disbelief, which is something that I am simply unable to do…

Except I've done nearly every illegal drug manufactured and nothing does that to you… No drug is going to make you have superhuman hearing. The Pakistanis have some next-level shit! :P