Zoe Butcher

It would've saved the season for me. Danes isn't a strong enough actress in my opinion to carry this show on her back.

It wasn't cruel. She's murdered lots of people, she falls in love with terrorists and has terrorist babies, and nearly drowned her terrorist baby plus she's hella annoying. I'm rooting for the ISI. They're pwning the CIA. ;)

My most loathed over-acting tic Danes does is the 'shrug-n-psst whatever' move. looooooooool! She did it like five times in a row directly to her boss. Not even a McDonald's manager would tolerate her attitude, and we're supposed to believe high-ranking officials would? ;P

I felt just the opposite. I miss Brody. I didn't think I missed him, but then he kept talking and I was all like, yep, I missed him. He really is cute and charming. Don't get me wrong, if it meant his family had to be involved with the story again(I'm talking about you DANA) then I'd say oh hell no, but if that were

Wow. I almost thought the show was saved with Brody back, but it was just a hallucination. Nope. It's still shit.

Hilarious. No, really.

Who does something like this?

I feel so badly for people still using dialup. I'm sorry!

B? WTF? AV Club are so fucking stingy with the A's. This was an A film. I loved it from beginning to end. If you're reading this comment and haven't seen this movie, watch it. You'll be glad you did, it is an ode to anyone who loves watching or making films.

If Lost Highway was an exploration of a dissociative fugue visually from the perspective of the sufferer, then Mulholland Drive was an exploration of the gnawing desire to be a star which was also mixed with a deeper desire to be loved and yet that love was unrequited, it was a sad lesbian unrequited love story in my

The reason why is because although they had the appearance of fantasy, they were also shot with a strange hue and everyone sortof grinning or looking strangely around almost as if the jokes on all of us, all of our worst fantasies might come true, and then I got the strangest feeling that I was watching a

I found this to be edited poorly and had problems with continuity, Russel.

Instead of snark and ad hominem or using a fallacious argument like attacking the credentials of the source, why not look up another ten web pages that deal with the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. They all say the same thing if you had bothered to do it.

She has moments that are very good, I especially liked her in Gregg Araki's White Bird in a Blizzard.

It has nothing to do with me preferring linear structures. I've watched Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Eraserhead, The Saragossa Manuscript, etc. Plenty of strangely structured films, but they all had one thing in common, there was some cue to let you know what layer you were viewing at the least, this to me had poor

Perhaps you should do your own research instead of respond with a pointless comment.

We won't know that until later episodes whether or not at least one of the fantasies might have been a flash-foward, Nora. It simply was confusing and had continuity problems.

I didn't see it that way. He said "YOU ARE STARTING TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD, WHY WONT YOU JUST DIE?". Not aww, you ruined my perfect kill fantasy…

It seems like you might want to brush up on your knowledge with regard to the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths. Dandy is clearly a psychopath.

If it was fantasies, why wouldn't they use the tried and true method of slowly zooming in on the person who is fantasizing with some musical cue? lol.