Zoe Butcher

Also Miley and Katy got platinum albums in 2013. Gaga didn't. lol. ;P

Completely unrelated, but Misty Upham committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. I mention it here because AV Club didn't mention it and also because I wanted to recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it to watch the film Frozen River, what I believe was her finest film. If you like story-telling like the Knick you would

We all know it's A. If it's anything less a riot would commence and we would break our own keyboards. Take that Brandon! :P

The only thing Afghanistan has other than dangerous fighters are extreme quantities of rare-earth metals and opium. Lots and lots of opium, it just so happens that our military burned much of their poppy fields while we were(and still are) there, and our country and China divided up all the rare earth metal deposits

Agreed. This show is so past-present.

I've read that the three major American pharmaceutical companies each have their own poppy islands with which they grow in order to make all of their opiate products. It makes one wonder if they see Afghanistan's poppy fields as legitimate competition and I wonder if that was in some small way part of the reason for

I've had a demerol shot in the hospital. It felt wonderful. I also rather enjoyed my shot of liquid valium when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I'm glad I have no idea where to find things like that on the street, not that I would ever shoot up willingly. I hate needles. Yuck.

Out of all the people on this show, it's Cornelia I'm worried about the most. I believe those earrings are what she's supposed to wear when the father-in-law stops by her room for a little daughter rapin'.

Holy crap! The Knick turned into an episode of Banshee for about 30 seconds! Great finale. I'm really sad it's over because it felt like this season flew by so fast. Loved Thack's smile at the end. Just when he thought all the fun he was ever going to have from drugs was over he got an even bigger rush than cocaine

Not too thrilled with how this season is going so far. Personally I'd rather re-watch Santa Sangre or The Last Circus than keep investing time in such a trope-infested season, but i'll keep trudging along hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Meh.

He did. It was a major slip-up. I think Ryan thought it would look cool to see someone blow smoke and inhale from two separate heads but he forgot that he had already said they had two different sets of lungs. The conjoined twins and Sarah Paulson are my least favorite "gimmick" this season.

Hmm. I thought it was Jeff Goldblum.

Only because Ryan is forcing her to do the same character over and over again. That's what is tiring, not her acting. She's a fine actress. Paulson is who is working my very last nerve personally. I hate her conjoined twin performances. It's completely ridiculous looking and the sfx look mega-cheesy. Also, why does

It's sad that Ryan Murphy appears to be unable to write a part for Jessica Lange that doesn't involve repeating a trope of a fading older woman who yearns to be younger or sexier or famous like she used to be in past times, what is this, like the third time in a row she's played the same stock trope character? It's a

Unser was def talking about the lady cop in the hospital. Juice won't tell Jax about Gemma. It's too early. The entire show hinges on the lie not being found out until the end. All of the preview was misdirection you're right but Juice does not die. He does indeed get his cut back. Jax will use him like he does

Exactly. Jax is being presented as a plotting mastermind this season and doesn't realize his mother is…

If there was ever a better example of less is more, then BE is proving it versus this giant bloated mess.

Hahaha. This cracked me up, Cutlass12! ;P

They were just whores. Bag 'em 'n tag 'em and repaint the walls. Welcome to Suttersville. ;)

No, but he explicitly said he's interested in her feet, not her vagina, mzungu. ;P