Zoe Butcher

What was the point of those scenes? It seemed like Gemma was thinking the waitress would be a good replacement for Tara. It was like she was thinking I'll just introduce her to my son and everything will go back to normal! She's playing her slowly going crazy role horribly. Terribly cliched and soap-operaish.

It's too soon. They have to drag out this one idiotic plot point all the way until the end. Everything in this entire season hinges on Gemma's big lie. Probably won't get revealed until the penultimate episode or the show finale sadly to keep us hooked on finishing out this abysmal season. It's not True Blood bad or

You're so right. He'll end up being a crew of 5 or 10. lol.

I have to agree for the most part. He isn't doing a whole lot with the role, but what I will say is the montage at the end of one of the episodes during the Irish season when Sun Kil Moon's Alesund was playing while he followed Abel around with his foster parents was stunningly moving. I cried like a baby during that

I love you sometimes Beema. Hahaha. Nailed it! It took me awhile to admit it but damn this show sucks now.

This was a bad episode. Real bad. D- bad. Why so kind, Zack?

I liked it. Passed the time nicely and was a lot of fun.

Idk. I'm pretty sure he killed him. I guess he could've traded cracker-jack for bacon, but it still essentially killed him. He was our pet! So mean! lol.

When I was little my dad traded car work for things sometimes and someone gave him a baby pot-bellied pig for a car repair and we invited it into our home and named it cracker-jack! He was so cute! But he got bigger and bigger and bigger and one day I came home and we had lots of bacon in the fridge and cracker-jack

I'm just picturing the group attacking it with spears or something. Make it fair at least.

It's not a nickname. It's my real name! I know I'm not living up to it, someone in my past must've been one I guess to have it, but fk them! lol.

I never got that. Slaughter something and then thank it for dying so that you can survive. Why is our life any more special than the animals? It's not. I would limit myself if necessary to killing dangerous animals, like bears. At least have it be a challenge. Have it feel truly life and death so you can actually be

I tell everyone that if I had to kill an animal to eat and we were living like they were living I'd probably die, the only way I'd kill something myself is if it was trying to kill me. I'd be eating grass and berries and maybe insects because they're gross. I would especially have a problem with killing anything that

I'd forgotten that this show really is much better than the Strain. This episode reminded me of that, except I feel that they lost an opportunity to drive home the danger of this cannibal cult by not letting one of the main cast die over the slaughtering trough.

Loved the Rashomon-like perspective shifts and the exploration of unreliable narration ala True Detective. Looks great so far! B+ for me. I think it'll get better as we dig deeper into the plot.

Best season since 2. If you don't agree then you're basically an asshole.

Agreed. I'm saddened that next week is the final episode. I won't have my handy little Soderbergh time machine to peek in on some of my favorite people to watch voyeuristically. lol. ;)

Lucy's Thack's hero, that's for sure. She saved his butt!

OMG! He does sortof look like Prince! He's adorable. Fantastic character, fantastic actor.

He was facing towards the stairwell talking to Lucy and Lucy told him she's going to go check on Thack, he sharply turned around with a concerned, almost fatherly stern face and said "You've been rather solicitous of Dr. Thackery recently, should I be jealous?"