Zoe Butcher

Personally I would give this film a B for sheer effort in overcoming an extremely low budget to make a very watchable sci-fi. Yes the beginning is a little weak and the ending even weaker, but the middle, the meat of the story is where this film truly shines. Gabe Ibanez, you have a new fan. You managed to make your

It is though I thought!? It's airing on netflix, Weinstein bought the rights to air it over here.

Oh I almost forgot, another LOL scene, I thought Thack was going to straight-up slap Lucy when he asked if she brought anything, she said yeah. Lamb chops. HAHAHA. Lucy that was so mean to tease him when you really had the opium.

Oh I know! Hand a drug addict a new drug and tell him that's only for special occasions. Uh sure Tommy. That's like telling a man that's been in the desert for two days to only take a sip of water. lol. Why isn't AV Club reviewing *Peaky* Blinders do you think? It's another new top drama with big stars? Seems like AV

So you liked that episode? Glad you got caught up! What did you think of Tom Hardy? If that had been me sitting across from him I'm pretty sure I would've soiled myself! LOL!

She is just curious about darker things. She's exploring another world she finds fascinating. I don't know if she and Thack will "make it", but I think she really loves him at this point. There's no way she couldn't if she's willing to rob places to make him happy. I certainly hope he understands just how much she

He got angry quick, didn't he? I got a strong creeper-stalker vibe from him. So did she. lol.

You didn't comment about seeing some titties this episode hansel? I guess titties right before an abortion aren't as hot, are they? Kindof a turn-off? ;P

Good point. ;)

Another commenter nknotz and I have had a discussion about the reboot, I want Fincher to go back to his fight club style of framing, angles, roving camera shots, camera shots flying through walls, and all manner of inventive camera and sfx techniques for this reboot. I also think Gillian should and hopefully will

I KNOW! Channel 4 can go fuck themselves. I get that the show was very expensive with a relatively low viewership, but it was the most original series the U.K. had done in years and years. I would've thought they would've allowed the creator to finish his work if only for artistic reasons and cultural pride? It's a

She would've immediately been disowned, none of her friends and family would've ever spoken to her again so she would've had to have depended on Algie completely to survive. In short, she loves him, but she knew at the time period they lived in, she couldn't fight the entire world, even with Algie by her side. Life

But she's due to be married to that twit and move in with him and his rapey father? I don't see how she could've managed to get away for nearly a year. She was between a rock and a hard place and her passion for Algie had to be sacrificed along with their baby.

I'm not positive, but it may have even been a crime back then. Certainly the social stigma would've been devastating not to mention flat-out dangerous for them both. His career would be ruined and he might've even been hunted down like a dog and murdered in the streets by her father or her future husband. One never

It is sad. When I was in high school a few of my girlfriends and I would go over to this one low-level dealer's house that wasn't very different from the movie Spun, and we would hang out all night, and this guy loved having pretty girls around so the drugs were pretty much free as long as we kept flirting with him,

Ahh. I can't believe Gallinger left that poor girl with her. She had clearly lost not one or two but all her marbles.

I don't think I fully understood what happened… Did the adopted little girl get sick and die or did Gallinger's wife suffocate her?

Woo has a foot fetish. She didn't have sex with him.

Thack: "You alone?" *looking down each end of the street*
Lucy: " 'Course I am! Who would I be with?"

I also want to mention a film called Creation by Jon Amiel. It's a biographical film on the life and work of Charles Darwin. There's a scene in that film that encapsulates what I would want to do with film. It's the moment Darwin has to explain why things are cruel to one another to his very young daughter who