Zoe Butcher


I was confused as to why he continues to call her Amy this episode? He fully believes in life after death now, and keeps calling Rose Amy? Rose should be rightfully pissed off about it. She's been very nice to he, Amy, and their unborn child, and has even told him what the deal is so he can come back after death and

I'll defend the show against this argument at least, Sonia, even though I despise it now. Who do you expect the C.I.A. to involve itself with other than violent people capable of doing great damage? This isn't a show about diplomats sitting in conference rooms with translators on either side and glasses of ice water

lol. you can't downvote anymore.

You didn't like S1? I loved S1. Was totally lost trying to follow and intensely disliked S2. LOATHED S3 aside from a few performances.

On a side note, did you like last night's episode of Intruders? I liked it but I still have a problem with the male lead. He's so scrawny but is playing sortof a bad-ass character and he's not the best actor, he doesn't really "sell" the role to me, even Mira makes him seem low-rent, on the other hand the little girl

I'm mildly excited by Murphy saying the show will get back to it's scary roots, because I genuinely thought there were some moments of creepiness in the first AHS season. He referenced S1 in an interview so that's something at least. It's been a downhill slide into tween silliness recently, although what worries me is

We're already getting a look at a 1900's psychiatric hospital in this season of Boardwalk Empire but I wouldn't be totally against that development. i think some of the actors inside the BE hospital scenes were going a bit over the top, but it looks like it would be miserable to be trapped inside one listening to

Idk. Shannon played a contract killer in the movie Iceman. He was capable of blending in, but honestly his character in that film wasn't all that different than Van Alden 2.0 aka Mueller.

It's not well-done. We can all agree on that, but neither was Banshee's second season, and because I liked the first I'm willing to cut it some slack. Yes the writing was cliched and the actors not too convincing save a few, but the effects were cool and so is the general basic idea, so I'm willing to give it one more

They wrote themselves into a corner they couldn't write themselves out of satisfactorily, so they essentially blew up the whole structure which is ironic considering, don't you think? ;)

I have no interest in continuing this series anymore, especially after the epic disaster of writing themselves into a corner worse than Cuse and Lindelof's Lost over the last three seasons(you call it a reset Sonia, I call it a gigantic clusterfuck) was enough to convince me season one was a fluke and they blew it.

That would be brilliant!

That's weird on the grade. I thought this was the strongest episode since the gas station stand-off episode, I gave it a B- but of course I grade this show on a curve. I really enjoyed them exploring the mythology of the vampire death squad and the trio of dreaming ancients. As a finale it left me wanting to see more,

He's deadpan-creepy-hilarious. How is that even possible? The only other person I can think of that can pull that off is Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal.

"Well LAND-HO!"

This continues to be the strongest season since S2. I find it remarkable how uncanny the resemblance is for the actors playing the younger parts of Nucky and the Commodore in this episode. They even got most of their mannerisms right even if their teeth aren't. Perhaps a set of dentures might have completed the look

I do like that cinematic television series are being helmed by one director now though more and more. It's obviously a lot more work but it really does pay dividends with the end result. I have loved the UK Utopia, I'm interested in how they'll change up the set design and locations for shooting.

Does your wife remember what it tastes like? Is it like cloves or something? That's what I picture for some reason.
