Zoe Butcher

What a great review in Rolling Stone! I thought I'd post it here for those interested. In particular I liked this line: "After the propulsive power of last week's 'Get a Rope,' this episode feels a bit like the hangover."

I'm not ashamed to say I had to look him up. He really does! I seriously need to spend a little time and watch some of his films, he seems pretty magnetic.

My favorite uncomfortable moment wasn't this one, it was back at the hospital board meeting. Good lord Soderbergh and co. effectively communicated how boring those are and how much you would love to slap the shit out of everyone in there and say SHUT THE FUCK UP and rampage through the room hurling things. On top of

I think you're right. She's probably protestant.

Am I the only one that wants to try opium after watching Thack smoke it? It looks interesting, almost slightly hallucinatory with a sedative quality, I picture it tasting like some spice, cinnamon or cloves or something, but I don't know of any opium dens in Texas so I guess that's probably for the best. lol.

Do I want to know what a port is? I looked it up. Yikes. Between it, a PICC line, a Hickman line, and a Groshong line, this confirms my morbid fear that eventually becoming old and sick is going to be very annoying and not fun. Please someone kind just set me on an ice floe and push me out to sea with a big bag of

One of my favorite movies of all time.

If it's not true, the writers should immediately steal your idea and incorporate it into S2 because it makes a lot of sense. Jesus! I just realized if it were true, that would be sister-brother sex we've been watching thinking it's super hot. Oh no.

Inhalation isn't the best way for any drug to cross the blood/brain barrier, iv injection is the only method that assures you get 100% of the drug into you. Inhalation might only get 10/20% of the drug through, so not only is it a better high, but it's the most economical high, and before you ask, no. I hate needles.

Haha Ikr? He seems to be trying to create an army of nihilistic bio-terrorists!

I didn't think so, she seems to genuinely enjoy the cocaine and sex. I'm sure she's feeling a bit of a high since it's absorbable through thin membranes of skin. Not to get gross or anything, but lots of people "plug" different drugs, inserting them into the anus. She has to be feeling some of the cocaine's effects.

Poor sweet Bertie. :(

It's almost Jungian. Archetypal. Nussbaum originally called the characters stock types, the anti-hero, the slut, the blah blah blah, but I think it's a bit different, they built archetypal characters and then the actors added the decorations, the wild growth, the organic qualities to them that don't make them react

That's the curse of death for a man to hear. You're so sweet! ;P

He's soooo cute!

So not boring to me! My opinion is that why should we need to be such control freaks about it, isn't that just as anthropocentric to suggest we need to kill ourselves as it is to think our species is super unique and should colonize planets all over the galaxy one day! lol. I'm pretty sure mother nature will deal with

He's got the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen and he's spectacular in PB! A mesmerizing lead, but just like the Knick for me, I've grown fond of the entire cast of characters. I can't wait to see Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy go toe to toe.

Hahaha! Maybe I can help! That was so sad and funny too! He's such a sweet guy, he'd probably even help her undress for Thack. lol. No, but seriously, I suspect he'll find out about them and go work for the Jewish doctor at some point. He might could take one person breaking his heart, but not two people, the two

I think the moment I realize I'm watching something really great is when I begin to see bits and pieces of myself inside all of the different characters, even the ones I hate. ;)

Lucy seems to represent his lost youth, his innocence, when he felt most free, but now, he's older and shackled to his work and his vices. His darker nature is drawn to her light, and her light is curious about his nature and his addictions. People who are truly free inside often enjoy sitting down next to you in your