Zoe Butcher


Oh hansel. lol. Beema hates you, but you always make me laugh. They were very nice. I loved the flickering candlelight in the room as she sat naked and smoked. It was a lovely scene, and a hot scene. It felt very natural for the two actors. ;)

Check this out!

I love Utopia! I also sortof like Intruders which has a similar plot structure although not done nearly as well and isn't as clever and uses a supernatural plot device rather than a biological hard sci-fi plot device, but still is enjoyable while we wait for S3. My two main shows I love right now are The Knick and

There's different types of addicts though. A poly-substance addict may find it very easy to transfer one addiction to another and they may not know they are a poly-substance addict until they've tried several drugs, as many different drugs access similar combinations of neurotransmitter chemicals, but I'm sure you're

I'm really glad you dove back in DC11, but I'll admit I am disturbed by the continued trend of less and less comments about this show on AV Club week to week. Come on The Knick fans! Don't make us lose the ability to praise this wonderful series on here! Post comments! I don't care if it's already been said more

So it was perhaps the latter? Forcing himself sick to be able to get away from work without feeling guilty you think? I mean he went straight to the opium den/brothel after leaving the operating theatre…

He may have been trying to do that, ride out the withdrawals, but all that will end up happening is that he will become addicted to opium or both cocaine and opium. Poly-substance dependent.

I suspect Nussbaum changed her mind because the women are stronger characters with more central themes than they first appeared to have in the pilot. Bertie may be the only weak character on the show to some, but only because he is kind, and I never mistake kindness for weakness.

I think it's so funny in hindsight that everyone was most worried about the writing since the work these writers had done before wasn't all that spectacular, but I'm finding that this is not only one of the best directed and best acted series, but also one of the best written and best scored. Everything is in perfect

Owens was marvelous the entire episode, it might be the slowest-burn episode we've had so far in my opinion this season, but it didn't detract anything from my fervent belief that this is the finest show on television currently.

Speaking of the withdrawal/surgery scene, does anyone have any insight into the reason Thack drank strychnine? Was it to alleviate withdrawal symptoms or to simply make himself honestly sick so he would not feel guilty for retreating from a surgery?

Tom Hardy still hasn't made an appearance after the 1st ep of the second season but he'll be in at least 4 eps, so I'm very excited about that. It's going to be very hard for them to top S1 though, although they've clearly had more money to spend in the second season, because the digital matte work in recreating the

The cinematography gets almost to auteur-level in some shot and angle choices further into S1, but yes, the Knick is better in that dept. Cillian is the hook for sure, but you'll grow to become fond of almost everyone in the show, just like the Knick.

Nick Cave! ;)

By Ep 4 I was fully invested and loving every second of it.

Start watching Peaky Blinders, nknotz. It's incredible. It's like the Irish gangster version of the Knick. Anachronistic music paired with an unbelievable window into another time period exquisitely acted and shot. It's only 6 eps. Should be a breeze for you, I watched them all in one night, and am ready for S2!

How could any Fox exec think spending 50 million dollars on any junk reality tv show would be a good investment? Whoever was involved with the green-lighting of this show should be promptly fired because they're morons.

"Sure, storylines were wrapped up with just enough to get the second season started, but it was the first time throughout the second season where I really wanted to know what comes next."

Eleanor told Sebastian she was taking her father to the oak tree. That's still pretty ambiguous though. She also mentioned the tree to Lyle Lovett's character(who was conspicuously absent this episode) but was just as vague with him.