Zoe Butcher

Now we know why the kids were absent the whole season, so they can send the kids packing and re-shape Virginia's character to more of a typical single business woman who puts the job first without any judgment from us, the viewers.

I felt the exact opposite. Lizzy didn't sell the performance to me.

This season was a mess, but I'm grateful that Virginia was forced to give her kids away. It's been driving me crazy all season long how little she's cared about them and spends all of her time doing other things. Her performance also seemed melodramatic and silly when she realized she did something very dumb by not at

I just thought she was so gorgeous in True Romance. Adorable. It's sad to me how time destroys all things.

That will NEVER happen. I refuse to age! I will die young and fashionably like Darmody. :)

Bill-o! <3

I despised the 3rd and 4th seasons other than the final three episodes of the 4th. I LOVED season 1, it was my favorite, season 2 was also very good but I felt like they went a different direction with Darmody than I would've went. I was expecting Darmody and Nucky to rise together, not clash and one of them die. The

Age has not been kind to her. Entropy sucks, hansel. :/

I think after watching several things with Michael Shannon in them that I've come to the conclusion that he's a natural born weirdo. He seems like he's just very uncomfortable in his own skin as a human being. I'm sure watching him try to dance would be a laugh riot.

Another A episode for me. Am loving this final season as much as I did S1 and S2, and we got a Jimmy Darmody name drop! He still haunts this show I tell ya! Poor Sally, didn't see that coming, she seemed like a real survivor, and am very excited to see how Van Alden/Mueller will be used since he's pretty connected at

Ariana sounded so pitchy and unintelligible I was actually wishing she would've lip synched.

It was ok. We're still not fully in it like I thought we would be at this point. I was expecting mass chaos by now. It's beginning to resemble the walking dead in more ways than one, and that's not a compliment.

I care because she's being presented as a strong and stubborn woman who is quite capable of taking care of herself if she stays within the community, and then she goes and does stupid things like leaving the group constantly and always getting into a pickle.

Thanks for this info. I still think the entirety of the episode wasn't done as well as the rest of the series but certainly the end was the thing that stuck out to me like a sore thumb.

This show was a train wreck. Ariana sounded terrible.

Agreed. Certain plot devices are far too convenient and maybe even unnecessary for the most part. She might've been able to kill the redcoat rapist without being told to shank him in a particular spot earlier that day, and for those devices that utilize future knowledge it would be better served to use them sparingly

I understand what you mean. It's just my expectations of what may happen based on watching other shows that are darker and more cruel than this show may be, and I'm fine with that. I just really loved the scene with Claire and Black Jack the first time, they were incredible together even though it was an awful

Yes. If you can make it through the first few bad episodes of Blood and Sand you will be incredibly moved by the first season and onward. Watch blood and sand first and thank me later. DeKnight is a master at manipulating plots and viewer's emotions. It's one of the best series ever made by my and many other's

Again, it isn't a sadistic streak of mine, it's that she keeps being thoughtless and wandering off from the group, and usually that would result in something bad happening in a time with hardly any law or security or artificial light or rules, not almost happening and always getting away by the skin of her teeth in my

Agreed! Am excited to see how this ends! That would be a terrifying conversation to have with a mate who acts like they don't even know you and you don't know them. Way creepy scene!