Zoe Butcher

Yep. If they don't come at us with everything they've got in their bag of tricks this next episode I'm afraid this show is going to peter out.

Shea was also incredible in True Detective and I even liked his performance in Radio Free Albemuth.

Bill is just a self-loather. Anyone talking to him or trying to pry him open only gets a small taste of what he dishes out to himself on the daily. It isn't that uncommon, I meet self-loathers all the time. I dislike them all. They just aren't that interesting enough to try and fix, and that's a fool's errand anyway,

You're just hoping they can steer the ship away from the icebergs and they just keep banging into them over and over again.

Perhaps an old habit from posting on IMDB.

I sure don't miss the finale. One of the worst in television history.

Try cranking up the Knick. I'm finding it the best show on tv currently. Your mileage may vary.

I feel bad for the exterminator, Eph ran off his only chance at having sex with someone very attractive and not a wormy corpse that's still alive. I'm sure he'd make do in a pinch though.

Yeah how did Friday and Saturday turn into must-watch tv? Sunday's taken a nosedive.

Yeah, it seems to be going out with a whimper. Maybe they spent all their capital front-loading the season and by the end of it they'll be forced to shoot everything from the pawn shop basement like Night of the Living Dead. LOL.

I don't mind this series if they keep it fast-paced and action oriented, it's watchable like the walking dead but certainly neither are my favorites by any stretch of the imagination, it's fun to have a couple of bubble-gum shows as long as they're fun to watch. This episode took me to boresville. Finished up Black

Completely retarded. Made no sense. One of the stupidest things I've ever seen anyone do. She's no Neo, she can't take down a complex, why didn't she even try to shut down the building's systems with her super-duper expert hacking skills? Ludicrous.

What the fuck was this? We had built up some momentum and this episode just shit all over it. Ugh. I'm on the borderline of giving up on this show. It's got terrible writing and not-so-great acting, the only reason I'm watching is for the crazy plot mayhem, this is not The Knick or Boardwalk Empire, stop trying to

Funny you should say that, I think Allen Coulter used to direct episodes of the Sopranos and he also directed Hollywoodland. He added a bit of auteur flair to it, as I mentioned specifically with the intro and outro scenes in the comment below.

The S2 train wreck continues crumpling, at this point the engine will come to rest firmly lodged in the caboose. I can only hope S3 will skip past all the nonsense and sub-plots that the writers thought so important to milk for this season and we will get back to the sex study as the central theme of the show again.

It's always been a very stylistically well done show, but always theatrical in nature as I mentioned over on the Knick page, but I think I just prefer a more raw organic feel like Soderbergh delivers compared to the old school shots we're used to seeing in BE. I still enjoy this show, just not nearly as much as the

The Knick is doing a far better job of enveloping us in the 1900's, but I'll finish this season out happy that it's the last one and will be glad to put this series to bed and close the book. Hopefully there will be some mention of Jimmy at some point like in previous seasons. Even in death Darmody haunts this show…

Agreed. Those dangling pieces of flesh hanging off Jamie's back reminded me of The Passion of the Christ. At some point when watching things like this your mind just wants it to be over with. Just kill him already. Why rip someone to absolute shreds? I must admit to getting slightly nauseous picturing how intensely

That fourth ep of Intruders felt short somehow, or it just flew by. I wish we could get more details on the method by which they inhabit other bodies.

My emotions were rarely as manipulated as they were with Spartacus. DeKnight had me wrapped around his little finger!