Zoe Butcher

The writing is really shaky admittedly, just like the Bridge, sometimes this show gets bogged down by illogical decisions and/or episodic filler nonsense or procedural things which make it either dull or senseless, but every now and again the writing really cuts through to where you can feel what each show's writers

He's still creepy. In totally good way though. ;)

I'm curious to see how much of Marilyn we'll see this season. I think he might could be an interesting addition to the show.

I liked it. It's nice to have these characters back one last time.

This is not a tv show I'd ever recommend anyone to binge-watch. If you're late to this series I'd recommend you take it in very small doses, because if you try and binge-watch this show you'll find it completely absurd and very "televisiony". It's not a word, but you get my meaning I hope. Each season has had a ton of

i thought people couldn't stand to be out there in the cold for more than 3 minutes even bundled up without getting serious frostbite damage, but somehow the lake wasn't frozen nor did Lyle turn into a Leocicle(a nod for you titanic fans). This whole freezing to death in a few minutes reminded me a lot of that tragic

Agree, the writing is incredibly sub-par this season compared to last season and structurally a huge mess, but the performances this episode saved me from canceling this show off my dvr.

I've been railing non-stop against this season but this episode finally seemed to get a little back on track, and had some fine performances. I might not throw in the towel on this show just yet.

Is this a joke?

I loved Intruders so far. Actually structurally it feels almost identical to Utopia! Thanks for the recommend!

Hahaha! I looked up black mirror and it sounds amazing! I'm starting Intruders right now btw. I'll let you know. :)

I have two glowing eggs sitting beside my tv. They cycle through multiple colors using an led, it looks almost exactly the same as the UtD egg. Bought from wal-mart! How soon before the show realizes it could brand them I wonder?

Yep. Big Jim had a lock on all the propane stores AND had a few propane generators. I guess he forgot about them.

The entire cast could then be replaced by dwarves! Good idea. They couldn't possibly do any worse than this current cast of ignorant misfits. Just fit each of the dwarves with ridiculous wigs to match their normal sized counterparts and if the writing is just as dumb then we'll never know the difference.

Is it sadistic of me to want to see the dome shrink and crush everyone just so I can see what kind of cgi creativity they might be able to come up with? I wouldn't expect anything as gloriously sickening as the Irreversible fire extinguisher scene or the Under the Skin human trash compacter black goo scene, but it

That we did.

I heard that too, I just don't know. Buscemi didn't want to do it character-wise, he thought the show was better with Pitt on it and he was right.

Wha? They just lost 50 million. I can't imagine anyone paying 4.99 a month to watch 14 immature sociopaths argue all damn day and night.

Why is it that so many people want to respond to the reviewer instead of the review itself or even make a review of their own? It's fallacious argument 101. I just don't get it I guess.
