Zoe Butcher

Not at all, because that show is truly an ensemble cast. BE is full of hollow wooden actors. Jimmy was the heart and soul of the show and it's been on life support ever since that fateful decision in the writer's room.

Because I have an opinion on something it means I'm a troll? Mk. :/

Pretty much. The ghost of Jimmy Darmody haunts this show. I have ocd though and am unable to not finish something I've started whether I like it or not. Watched the entire season of the Leftovers and hated 3/4's of it.

Was bored to tears watching it. Just not the same without my beloved Jimmy Darmody, and I'm glad this is the last season. It feels as stale as two day old rye bread. I'd have rather had another season of Magic City than even one more episode of of this show…

Utter garbage. Can't believe I watched it for more than 10 minutes to realize they've managed to somehow collect the most annoying set of people I've ever had the displeasure of getting to know only to wish I hadn't. We've got hillybilly Red who looks like he's coming down off a meth binge(and toothless to boot),

They're "trying" to get Lin to direct the series when Friedkin already had said he was willing to do it? The entire cast sucks. The director is going to suck. I'm going to officially call it and say S2 is going to blow fucking chunks. It's so disappointing, I really thought with all the momentum and good will Nic and

I will put this is england on my to-do list! Thanks for the recommend, nknotz! Haven't heard of intruders but will watch and let you know… :)

I can imagine why she'd be scared and would want to get back but to us as viewers we don't want her to go back is what I'm saying. I'd be bored to death listening to her husband mumbling historical facts day in and day out… ;)

Certainly there must be other ways we could choose to live that might work even better without using property rights/ownership law nor using any monetary system as both are simply tools to a game we've all agreed to play the moment we were born into this world. We cannot own anything, because we are only here for a

I'd be more curious to watch a documentary on Jacques Fresco's Venus Project, an experiment in a utopian society trying to form and exist using neither capitalism nor socialism, something more evolved and futuristic, he's exploring using a post-scarcity economy on a small scale.

Both Culloden and also another great little gem, Winstanley, are so amazing to watch. I learned about both films and found both intact and in full on youtube after watching Ben Wheatley's A Field in England and reading about what films he watched and used as overall influence…

I've watched it four times now. I can't get enough of this series.

What fascinates me so much about this time period is the idea of "civilized man". Is it just me or does the face and demeanor of damn near everyone on this show appear to be right on the verge of beating the shit out of/poisoning/shooting at anyone or no one in particular or just screaming at the top of their lungs? I

This truly is the new prototype. Get a quality writer, a single director, a composer, and create an 8-10 hour movie. Stop thinking in terms of the episodic format needing some procedural element or some other tropey plot driven nonsense to give low-rent viewers some fast-food style gratification that could've been

She wasn't scandalized. She has been aroused by him ever since she was forced to shoot him up with cocaine in his dick. She hasn't been able to keep him out of her mind after that. He represents sexuality, abandon, freedom, as well as the shackles of drug addiction. If they don't hook up at some point I'll be

She's certainly fascinated with Dr. Thackery. I half-expected her to plop down and chase the dragon after following him into the brothel. I know I would too if I knew where an opium den existed! I mean, what else was there to do? Stomp on rats or get high? ;P

Talk about a cliffhanger! What WILL she SAY? loooooooooooool.

There's nothing I like more on a saturday night than making a beeline for the local pub basement in order to throw darts, toss back a pint or three, and stomp on some goddamned rats. Oh, and did I mention this is easily the best show on tv right now? ;P

I just binge-watched every episode of the Bridge today. There are moments where this show is incredibly good, and others where it feels as shallow as a Sons of Anarchy episode. I think the interpersonal drama is exquisite, the lives explored on either side of the border fascinating, and the overall arc of each season

This is the only show in my opinion that ever really understood how to properly deliver a finale, and the reason for that is because the end was always in mind, in fact many people might think what's the point of watching something when you already know historically how it will end, and that's where DeKnight comes