Zoe Butcher

honestly I don't care how he felt about it, for what it's worth, I thought his scene was the best scene in both films. Just because you don't like doing something doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Billions of people work mundane jobs and hate doing it but we do it because we have to to stay alive and support

I'm sorry I upset you by using the word whore, I'm not exactly sure what to call someone who so casually changes partners in much the same way that one would change the bedsheets immediately after the whoring activities ceased, she admitted that she doesn't allow herself to feel anything for anyone but doesn't tell

Nah, that award goes to the Captain on The Last Ship. He literally goes on away missions every mission! He's like Captain Kirk without the great writing, even halfway-passable acting skills. and literally no-one to play off of, because everyone else is actually trying to act, they're all failing miserably, it's a

Only a B? I personally thought this was the finest episode of the Strain to date. A firm A for me. I let slide a few nonsensical details, such as if the vampires are only going to grow in strength the longer time passes and eventually break through glass in a convenience store to get to you, well basic logic would

or the writers have. one of the two… ;P

Shocking. Another show uses Danny Huston and throws him away once again. We got what? 2 Danny episodes? 3? Danny just cannot catch a break. I miss Magic City.

The entire first half of the season she's been spending every last bit of free time fucking Bill, we did get one shot of her children back in episode four I think, just to let us know they hadn't been handcuffed to a bed frame and were slowly starving to death, meanwhile Virginia's being treated to steaks and

Their characters seem to be written straight out of some dime store little detective noir rather than the writers just deciding to go with great acting and simply shed light on what actually happened rather than a bunch of phony nonsense. After watching Sin City: A Dame To Kill For I couldn't help but think Betty and

Except this show could've adhered more to reality, don't you think? i guess you aren't bothered by how much the whore factor has multiplied with Virginia, or how Libby has suddenly turned into Eva Braun. You might be willing to let this show slide on general principle, or because you have the hots for Betty, but I

Also we've seen all of a couple of shots of Virginia's children. I'm well past the point of concern, she's a sexual addict as far as I'm concerned, constantly going out to meet Bill at hotels and abandoning her children to whatever other loser she managed to con into watching them for her while she goes and sleeps

It's as bad as Homeland's drop in quality from S1 to S2. I don't even want to think about what a S3 will look like. Every time they try and make me hate Libby because she's been turned into a diabolically vicious racist FOR NO GOOD REASON, and emotionally abuses anyone who she feels is less intelligent than she is on

This episode was ill-advised and was effectively pointless as far as plot devices and character behavior go other than to convince the average viewer that Claire hasn't madly and completely fallen in love with her new boytoy and abandoned her husband in the present just yet, although if it were me, I think I would

Ryan Murphy could never begin to approach the gorgeous bizarre world of Alejandro Jodorowsky, but it would be interesting to see him give it the old college try I guess. :/

Only the first season was truly creepy and even scary a couple of times, all the rest have either been just plain weird or trying too hard to be pop culture's new "thing". I'm not expecting very much at all from this new season as Ryan got the memo that his Coven season did much better than the other seasons

Hands down one of the finest episodes of television from any series any time. It's here when I realized what type of television show I was watching. One that would make me care about these characters only to have them disappear from my life as fast as they came, just like real life, these people will grow on you to

I liked it ok, it was kindof a confusing mess, but really cool to look at.

It seems to me that for this finale to have worked as the producers and writers intended, they would've been hoping for their audience to feel broken up about the fact that the coup failed and that Barry may likely be put to death and to feel sympathy for his wife and kids, but I'd be hard-pressed to think anyone

The Honourable Woman was fantastic.

They should've just steamed straight ahead with the original goal, and let the coup succeed, Barry ascend to the throne, and spend the next season trying to transform the country into a democracy. At some point they could've gotten the lead out of the way that way around the mid-point of S2. They could've had a lot of

How could they make a villain the lead though? Especially one as sadistic and despicable as this one has been? Will they try a makeover in S2 to make him nicer even though we've all seen him finger his son's new bride, rape another man's wife repeatedly, and murder a prostitute, and whack the sheik? I'm not buying it,