Zoe Butcher

It almost felt like Pizzolatto was trolling Ligotti by negating everything Rust stood for and believed in by making Rust the equivalent of a born-again Christian in that abysmal finale. ;P

Great movie. Love it and Fitzcarraldo.

I'm super jealous of anyone who finally discovers Herzog's back-catalogue for the first time and gets to binge-watch some of the craziest films ever made.

Actually collage works better in this case, since he culled so many other sources together in TD. Moore, Ligotti, Nietzche, Chambers, Bierce, etc.

TD was doing it perfectly though until the 3rd act! Why can't it be that? They didn't even realize they were doing it I don't think but now he has a blueprint!

Not a fan of loops I take it? lol

You're going to love this one!

Yes, I refer to that in the final paragraph, it serves a greater purpose for Ligotti's work to reach more people but at the same time I still think if he were an honorable person he might throw a few bucks Ligotti's way aside from the purchases of a few of his books. Doesn't have to, would just be courteous, but it's

Where is Jessica Hyde! ^5! I'm on S2 Ep. 5 of Utopia. Loving this last episode!!!

So you must not believe in paying for samples if you sampled another song then, particularly if you took say the guitar hook from a rock song and turned it into an opera? Why if I might ask?

No biggie!

I also seem to remember an interview with Nic getting mildly upset that people were rushing out to buy The King in Yellow instead of Galveston, I'm not sure if that was just the capitalist in him, or because he was scared we were reading far too much into his work than he put into it which was as I said, a bit of

He didn't and he hasn't. Two other people are. You should read this first. lol.

What he should've done is just shown Cohle holding Ligotti's book and maybe paying him a bit for the nod, but he had no idea if this show was going to be a hit or not, which is why I say it would be very nice of him post S1 at some point to send Ligotti a check of some decent value. I know he's a millionaire by now at

I don't think it's a coincidence that the second other literary sources are expunged from True Detective's characters and the actual plot continues forward in the third act, the dialogue(and action) feels more like Lethal Weapon than a philosophical or moral debate. I would liken him very much to Tarantino not in

What's shallow or pseudo-anything about the pointlessness of all things? That this is all just chaos and entropy?

Agreed. This knowledge, or should I say this perception of the knowledge of the pointlessness of all things, and even more so, knowing you cannot escape this atomic prison even in death, as matter(like energy) is neither created nor destroyed, and even in passing we will be forced back into matter in many other forms

Yes, I've read the conspiracy against the human race, and it's a lot more than an homage, I firmly believe Nic borrowed heavily from that book, but I would have never known about Ligotti had it not been for True Detective. Besides, why would a depressed nihilist care about credit? These guys are ruining their cause in

He did that weird movie about the tree lady.

Exactly! We don't have an heir to Lost and Twin Peaks yet.