Zoe Butcher

HA! My favorite comment of the week smithchez. Congrats. Diet dr pepper flew right out my nose.

I'm mildly interested in the locker portal of doom.

I'm thinking Joe's aiming for a threesome with Miss Dead 80's and Forehead.

I find it utterly remarkable that character arcs can shift on a dime in this show, sometimes more than twice in the same episode! What character arcs? It's more like character skips and hops.

It was brutal because of the woman breaking her vow and vocally begging for her life, but not especially graphic. They didn't do enough sfx with the rocks ripping pieces of her flesh off or knocking her teeth out. There was a movie made in the U.K. a while back that had a better head death scene. I remember a man hit

Why was the whistle scene silently cheered by the rest of the Guilty Remnant? She felt something the moment she raced out the door and down the stairs and blew that whistle. Anger. Isn't she not supposed to feel anything? In my opinion the priest won that encounter and the Guilty Remnant didn't even realize they lost.

Maybe her husband?

This is pop nihilism. The dialogue Lindelof attempts is pretty half-assed and the characters in TL have very low emotional intelligence when measured against Matthew McC's brilliant Rust Cohle as written by Nic Pizzolatto. All these people are ego-controlled and purely reactive in The Leftovers whereas in comparison

Interestingly enough, the more incendiary the review, the more comments in the section below. While Tyrant fell by the wayside Sonia got you all to click and to comment on the Leftovers. Her job is secure for now. This review has more passion than all 5 episodes of this show to date, so ^5 Sonia!

Nobody's even mentioning that the mob got Gladys to talk. I think it was a step in the right direction. They should've quit after she spoke, but I'm guessing that they didn't stop because it was the Guilty Remnant that killed her. If a few rocks can break your vows then what good are the vows in the first place? They

They gave the season a cumulative A. It doesn't mean there aren't more flaws and holes than a piece of swiss cheese in this show. Yes, it's well done overall, but ultimately it's just walking us in circles.

GoT writes it's characters with far more complexity than does The Leftovers. There are even shows like Utopia where you find yourself rooting for a child mass murderer. The Leftovers is about as basic as you can get. Cookie-cutter nihilists(aside from the spectacular Eccleston).

Both good and evil traits? That's not very complex. 2 choices. lol.

Let me just leave it this way, if the rapture was a test of some kind, literally every person in this particular odd universe is failing miserably. They've either turned anger outwards or turned it inwards and allowed it to fester into depression. If this is some kind of experiment to see if our species is worthwhile

I think the whistle scene was supposed to feel cathartic but it didn't for me. All of these people are just passing time creating various beliefs and trying to live up to them, but to what end? What will nihilism from the guilty remnant achieve? What will still trying to believe in God achieve? What will the mob

I don't know if this incident occurred in the book but I doubt it. This ultra-violence sounds like it might be Lindelof's doing. I find it hard to feel anything for anyone except for Eccleston's character. He's trying to remain human in the face of overwhelming nihilism. If it is an existentialist rapture then they

This show just feels like we're watching each group trapped in their own particular "sin" of choice walking in circles. No catharis. No real plot to speak of, just walking in circles in various levels of hell.

But she's right. Where is the show going other than in circles of hell?

Kate, if you don't give the S1 finale an A+ we can't be friends. It was EVERYTHING! ;P

I think the two shows are completely different, but I admit to liking Spartacus more than GoT, Spartacus wasn't perfect, but certain episodes are truly some of the finest television I've ever seen even putting movies like Gladiator to shame, especially the S1 finale. It was BATSHIT CRAZY. I was so hyped I was jumping