Zoe Butcher

Then watch The Zero Theorem and get back to me. It's strange that you're commenting on something you haven't seen. Rather presumptuous, wouldn't you say? :/

1. Why is it essential that it be a train and not another form of transportation and why is going in circles important in your mind? Despite it actually going in circles over the long run, it actually would FEEL like linear motion and the march up through the train itself was quite linear in nature, so I have no idea

Snowpiercer started pre-filming nature shots without actors a few months before The Zero Theorem, not sure what alignment it would end up being for the two films involving the timing of shooting Tilda's character but it's a safe bet she did one shoot and then hopped on a plane and did the other pretty close together.

It's directed at TILDA. Tilda is lazy to recycle the same character in two different sci-fi movies, and that's utter nonsense that an actor doesn't have control over the look and feel of her character and how she behaves. She had just come off of one movie and on to the next and re-used the same character. If that's

This was a total filler episode and it gets a B? Wow.

A recycled character is a recycled character. Lazy.

Watch the Zero Theorem and tell me she didn't recycle the same character for Snowpiercer. Why did she do that? It's almost like Bong saw the Zero Theorem and said don't change a thing, i want her in my sci-fi film too.

Hard to tell when you compare her character from The Zero Theorem with Snowpiercer. They are nearly identical.

The setting is sortof irrelevant to me. The train, the claustrophobic conditions, etc. could've been many other physical places, like a submarine or an underground prison or a cave system.

I found the ending to Her a little safe personally, but I did love the movie. I thought they could've done so many things with the end and they just chose to wrap it up very matter of fact, but it does work in the form of a fable.

You should quit while you're ahead, your comment was basic ad hominem as you did not argue your views logically, you just negated mine with insults. Why did you dislike the Signal and why do you think my statement was xenophobic(Park did a fine job with Stoker, Bong didn't imo)? Not every foreign director working with

…from the perspective of the writer of the story, the third class citizens revolting, or from the first class trying to maintain some overall structure? Mostly, I got a strong Atlas Shrugged crossed with 1984 kindof vibe while watching it.

I liked the newsroom a little, but I also don't miss it.

I found it to be more entertaining.

Totally agree.

Agreed. Marx wanted to dissolve classes. Historically speaking, in my opinion Communist countries simply failed to implement Marxism correctly.

Not sure where people are getting Marxism from this film. Classes were set up on the train, some getting sushi, others getting cockroach bars. This is more of an aspect of Communism rather than pure Marxism, and to tell you the truth I'm not sure there's a lot of difference in the end between far-left Communism with a

lol no, it's just that I will never understand how so many people call this film a masterpiece. Will it eventually be a cult classic? I think so, but a masterpiece of sci-fi this is not.

Although the ending plagiarized the ending of Dark City, as a whole I found The Signal(2014) to be a far more entertaining and progressive sci-fi film as well as the brilliant Under the Skin and even the low budget Radio Free Albemuth(which had almost as many flaws as Snowpiercer did but I preferred the plot of RFA to

A terrible clumsy idiotic film full of absurd plot contrivances, flawed ideas, debunked science, cold war thinking, pseudo-philosophy, and awful ham-fisted caricature acting with a plot twist that's as silly as any Shayamalan mystery box reveal…