
Not sure I like the lead male MC being the way he is, not much room for him to grow personality wise.

They would've been better of reviving Clone High somehow or doing a spiritual successor to it instead of this.

More like upped the bar. When we had a substitute teacher at my HS we would always request to watch Maury. Great time.

Has she apologized for molesting her younger sister yet?

AJ Styles losing is so what WWE would have him do since he's an outsider. Just another day for Vince to be a vindictive fuck, burying another talented wrestler because that wrestler wasn't bred in WWE.

Yup, stop doing the whole bomb week and just go back to being an one ep per week basis, stop the whole long ass waiting for new eps to come out because they all dropped off in one week making it hard for animators to crank out new eps after that.

They really need to stop doing the whole Bomb week thing and just go back to being a one ep per week. Not a fan of waiting a long ass time for the new eps to be cracked out, it also gives the animators more time to make new eps with it being only one ep per week.

Not a fan of bomb drops or whatever they call it, prefer it going back to being weekly. That way they don't have to take long ass breaks in between.

Personally I always thought that cop that she was with was involved with Simon's death and the reason why he wanted him to stay dead.

So why watch Tosh when you have liveleak instead?

Remember when AT used to be good? Boy that was awhile ago.

Now they made the group even worse, which in turn has made the worse harder to watch.

Same opinion here. They ruined the show last season and 2 eps in with them the show has gotten worse again despite starting strong with the first two eps. Hope the group doesn't stay for long.

Eh, TMNT started of great but then it just goes nowhere with it's plots.

Funny thing is, Man of Action work on that show and on Marvel shows, it really shows.

They need to hire Korean animators.

Or just read the manga Vinland Saga. Pretty awesome seeing vikings killing dominating Europeans during that time.

Whomever greenlit these designs needs to be fired.

Nearly cancelled in its first season, who would have thought this would at last a Seth show and Futurama, Here's hoping the quality of the show stays consistently great.

That's fine, means we're getting 30 more eps for the remaining 3 seasons.