
You're right, TV AV needs more shows that are aimed at the male gay audience, what a better show than NXT seeing a bunch of good looking sweating men mount on each other. Support LGBT programs TVAV!

Star VS feels like a show that will need some tuning in it's 2nd season, as of right now, it's really not hooking me, decent show with great animation.

While the first season was fun it really didn't have much of a hook. Sorta like Gumball, fun to watch when it's on but you don't really feel the urge to keep up with the show. Seems like season 2 made some changes to retain more of an ongoing audience.

Not sure how this got an A- but okay. I'm just glad the dead weight Clare/Pinky Guy won't be coming back in the new season, did not care for either especially for that fucker Danny. Shame Moffat will be returning, dude is losing it. Overall a meh season.

Had this problem a few weeks ago with Doctor Who, it became too British for me, the kids looked different than how kids looked elsewhere, they also talked too British. Can't say I'm surprise that ep is considered the weakest ep of the season.

Eh, Black-ish is an okay show but Jane on the other hand is a great show.

Adventure Time just isn't that good anymore. Steven Universe is pretty damn good, starts kinda good but it gets so much better later on.

Tired of seeing all these middle class families. How bout a low class/lower mid class family for once?