
“I screamed and told him to fuck off, nobody believed I was in danger.”

You paid $150 US for 3/8 of an ounce of weed? Jaysus. I paid $1 less (so $149—in CAD mind you) than that and got a full ounce from the dispensary in Vancouver that I bought mine from online.

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

It hit 78 in SoCal yesterday

Counterpoint: We are NOT ok with shooting deaths by police of minorities but, yeah, hands off my legal weed Keebler Klansman! 

Anything that gets Sylvan Esso in the news for good things is...good. All of this is good. Good, I say! Congrats to the happy couple and congrats to Sylvan Esso, my favorite musical find of 2017.

Why are men so desperate to disappoint two women at the same time?

Username checks out.

Or he’s an evil lover of traditional paella.


Ooo, yeah, that’s a good one. There’s so much emotion wrapped up in that little line and the way he sings it.

Also, “I am crying in the bathroom”

“And he takes and he takes and he takes” kills me.

My kids both love Casimir Pulaski day, even though their tastes run in opposite directions of each other and of Sufjan. They both cry when it comes on and occasionally request it (as the cancer song). I think he’s one of the most underappreciated musicians today.

I thought that was a fun, happy song until I stopped and actually listened to the lyrics one day. Man, is that song a gut punch. The following lines always kill me:

I love this sort of “digital photography” that’s arisen from video games!


I can’t wait to give this mode a try and I wish they had this in the older games!

As someone who has trained on that thin strip of land between the freeway and the ocean, let me tell you that I hate that thin strip of land between the freeway and the ocean.

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

I’m in the military and I think one of our Soldiers may be transgender. I write “think” because I really don’t give a shit because they do their job. I have found most of my fellow Soldiers feel the same way.