You know its funny, I own assault rifles and sports cars, and I have never killed anyone at all.
You know its funny, I own assault rifles and sports cars, and I have never killed anyone at all.
Mmmmmmm that is my preferred method for brussel sprouts. Never thought to try cauliflower. I bet broccolli would be great too.
I second this suggestion
I am a big fan and I catch shit for liking the guy from every direction, but no one that bad mouths him seem to know any more about him than the Man Show. I would vote the guy into office myself. He is built out of pure common sense. A little sterile sometimes, and maybe he doesn't watch what he says sometimes, but he…
My first thought was jetta or passat too. The rear of the roofline has VW written all over it.
How long until we can actually combine a camera like this and a mini printer that actually operates like a polaroid? Just looking at the image above, the camera is a mini version of the real deal polaroid and the printer it is sitting on is not much larger.
I heartily agree with you. It's funny I was villified by some of my closest friends for my opinion on this. I personally could never imagine interacting with a sex trade worker in any way, but at the same time legalization=safe regulation when it comes to things like this. The more official the better.
Being a forza/xbox owner and not having a playstation, I must say I am a little jealous! On a side note at first glance i saw these pics and thought they were real. Forza pulls it off at times but if gt5 looks that good at all times, I may be inclined to give a playstation a try.
I don't mind my phone being scratched and worn in as others have mentioned. I do use a case religiously though. In my line of life, my phone has to survive things event i wouldn't. It isn't the day to day wear and tear bump around, its the catastrophes. Not a week ago for example, I had my phone in my lap while doing…
Best automotive I get as gifts are consumables. A year supply of disposable gloves, a year supply of blue scott towels, or even a years supply of batteries for my various handy led lights.
Well, I don't know about anyone else but anything I can't see can't hurt me!!! Sucks that all those folks were injured and or lost their lives. I would be willing to be part of the reason the speeders hit people is there were both responsible and irresponsible people on the road.
cotd right nthere bitches
In other news, keep an out for a welded diff s13 coming to a frozen parking lot near you.
Now we just need a new s chassis from nissan
countersteering and steady smooth motions.
I'd rather have a cayman than a 911 if we are talking new cars, but if we are talking any porsche 911, I am partial to the 911 of the early eighties, outfitted with only the bodywork of the 930 slantnose turbo. I would take that over a cayman beacsue of aircooled reliability, more usable fun on open roads, and a…
Imagine how many dead people would vote if there was online voting.
Looks waaaay too much like so many cheaper cars....
I have the same problem. I regularly slightly tear the small area under my tongue when sticking out my tongue or trying to get things off the roof of my mouth when eating. Was the surgery at all worthwhile?
I use more than my share of flap discs, I wish someone would actually make a similar product that lasts longer. I have used from the cheapest to the best, and none of them last long. At least not for my purposes. I wonder if this new thing fits a regular grinder? $8 is worth a try if so.