
Actually a hairdryer is okay for wig styling as long as you're very very careful. I took the curls out of a wig that way (water and a warm hairdryer) for a friend. It went fabulously, but I'm glad I didn't know how much that wig cost before I started.

I have been known to tie a pink ribbon in a bow around my bun and wear it at a major scientific conference.

Also, you make me want hair bows now. D:

I'd consider it, if it wasn't a point of pride that all my costumes are made by me (many of them hand-sewn), except for the pieces of one that were a birthday present from my seamstress-goddess of a best friend.

Sometimes even idiots get lucky.

I'm in tears. It's so beautiful. That's seriously my costuming holy grail, to be able to pull that off.

Fact: I'm going to make this dress someday.

Quaker Oats factory in Cedar Rapids smells kinda like that.

Thanks for making my job as an educator that much harder, Alan. :P

They wouldn't be nearly so dangerous if they didn't have some good ideas.

Well, between this and the old sleep deprivation article, I'm well and totally screwed.

Short girls in flats unite!

This would make a fortune on a college campus.

If I could star this 100 times, I would.

Now playing

But those god-complex word vomits sound awesome when sung by Josh Groban.

Right? If you can't handle someone muttering "But WHY does he have PANTS?" during a movie, you are forbidden to view one with my people.

I, um...can't turn off my science brain at the movies. So you will hear me muttering if you sit next to me. My social group is good for an in-movie joke though, so we're good.

I see those booths all the time at the conventions, and one part of me is going WANT, and the other part of me is going OH HELL NO. Thankfully, my terrible eyesight has prevented me from ever being too terribly seduced by them.

I had to stop wearing contacts because of this (stupid allergies). Thankfully I gave up before I had any of those problems (I am so sorry, I'm cringing just thinking about it).

I'm doomed.