I can and do just that. But it gets ridiculous and easily lost in translation when you're talking about small blocks of time scattered throughout the week.
I can and do just that. But it gets ridiculous and easily lost in translation when you're talking about small blocks of time scattered throughout the week.
I hear you. My teaching schedule leaves me with such weird blocks of free time. No, really, I can't do Thursdays, ever. Or at least until next semester. Maybe.
We talked about my husband taking my name, quite seriously, for a long time (mine was simpler). But he's an only child, and I have a brother carrying on my family name, plus I was still young enough (no publications under the old name) that I could go either way. I took his name, and I make it work for me. When the…
But I'm wearing my quark shirt today
But can you explain resistors by talking about people escaping from a burning building?
I feel very unsafe now.
Are you guys really conspiring against me?
Okay, that too. :)
Wait, wait wait! You can't have my job. I need my job. What if they like you better than me?!?! D:
Wow. Just wow. XD
Well, you know if all users were smart, some of you IT guys would be out of jobs. ;)
"TRIPLE PLUS SORRY" is not officially accepted Newspeak. Go read the dictionary, just as soon as I finish this new edition. Now with 500 fewer words!
Nope, I can't wait either. I'm sure it will be a thing of beauty. <3
... Let's not get that started here, kay? ;)
Maybe I'm weird, but I've always come at public speaking this way. Maybe because most of my experience comes from grad school, where I was perpetually surrounded by older, more experienced academics, who could easily have torn me to shreds had they felt the desire to. My first year, there was a scientist in the…
It got left behind when they revamped their interface, but they're trying to fix it, apparently.
Tell me about it. I...haven't had quite enough luck yet to call myself "accomplished". I'm still in the "banging-head-on-desk" stage.
Quantum mechanics. o.O I'm not people would want me to go further than that.