
You know, if I could do that for a living (like get some rich person to pay me full-time wages to just sit around and explain stuff), I would be the happiest person alive.

I gave up on the fight with contacts years ago. :( That fight could not be won.

Can you get a publication out of that? ;)

There's a short story I read once where they were editing Shakespeare down so it was "acceptable" for middle schoolers or something to read. They were doing Hamlet, I think, and they ended up with just two lines of dialogue when the censorship computer was done with it.

I was just thinking the same thing! No matter how many times I read it, it never gets old.

What memories? Did I forget something?

Congratulations! How awesome!

I am beyond mad that I can not be there.

And this, Mika, is why I love that you're here. Because who else would get legitimately excited about the imaginary parts of electromagnetic waves?

Spot on.

This is the best part. This and the candy. :)

I think my blood pressure just dropped about 10 points. So beautiful...

I once resorted to solving math problems in my head to keep myself from falling asleep while driving through South Dakota in the middle of the night.

The last time I had to deal with Chemistry was in college — the bookwork was a piece of cake (it was always, "oh, we just studied this in physics!"), but the labwork was a disaster.

The part of me that never got over wanting to be an astronomer needs this figure so bad. She has cute hair! She's wearing pink! She has a telescope. She's me, in an alternate timeline.

Congratulations! *throws confetti* I'm incredibly, awesomely, terribly happy for you! I'm so glad you get to stay, and to relax just a little bit. We're a better community for having you. :)

I actually hear the opposite — the humanities majors balking at the required science classes. That might be a function of my career though. ;)

Someday, someday, I'll have enough money/time/etc to hit a convention other that isn't a cute little Midwestern Special, and I'll take you up on that.

I want to read this very badly.

Good luck, Mika!