I once resorted to solving math problems in my head to keep myself from falling asleep while driving through South Dakota in the middle of the night.
I once resorted to solving math problems in my head to keep myself from falling asleep while driving through South Dakota in the middle of the night.
Sure thing. Don't know how useful it is with the colors and the repetition, but I use it for organizing my desktop.
I've never been under the illusion that my code doesn't suck. Or even thought that non-sucking was possible. It works, mostly. Good enough.
That is an accurate depiction of my head.
I'm defnitley borken.
This whole album is amazing. <3
*sigh* I know. It scares me, the trend. Almost 70% of college educators are now off the tenure track. I can't even read the AAUP statistics anymore without practically hyperventilating.
It's awesome. And also really nifty to see live, if it ever comes your way.
It's tough seeing people my age and younger who are comfortably settled into long-term jobs now, buying houses, having kids and all, while I'm going noooooope, not until I have the tenure track job/holy grail.
The whole Distant Worlds set works too.
There were parts of it that were great — hanging out with people who did what I did every day. Doing physics all the time. But the stress and the financial hardship, that was real. The being unsure of myself every second of every day, that was real. And some of that might be me, because I was always sure they were…
Ohm's Law. That's the one that kills me. V = IR. That's not enough, they need I = V/R and R = V/I. And they will write ALL THREE down on their test prep sheets as if they're separate equations.
That does make me feel better. :) I'm crazy, but not that crazy. :)
*crawls under desk and refuses to come out* Don't scare me! My life is scary enough right now! D:
Oh god, "yellow". I'm dying over here. The pre-meds are just....something else. I can handle them in lab, but they sap my energy something awful when I actually teach them.
I have to use those to get through faculty meetings. And grading. If I have any left at the end of the semester, I'll let you know.
It's true, I agree with you 100%. I'm a physicist — there's pretty much no way around the PhD in my field. But when you're talking software, experience is everything. My parents were both software people before they retired, and my mom had companies falling over themselves to keep her when she wanted to move on,…
Grading. You mean grading. *burns it*
I won't say I never said the words "I should just be a secretary", but I never meant them.