
Is it terrible that I don't trust anybody? Not sales associates, not magazines (stop telling me halter swimsuits and wrap dresses will work with my bustline; they will not), not anybody. I've gotten stuck being the go-to "Does this work?" person in my social circle. Trial and error and sewing disasters are all I've


Amen. I have a PhD in Quantum Physics, and I'm pretty sure I got an 1140 back when it was out of 1600. (I got my scholarship from my ACT scores instead, go Midwest!)

I'd want him to get a mix — yes he should hang out with kids his own age, but I'm also going to let him hang out with the grownups too. I mean, I was never as brilliant as this kid, but I was that awkward overachiever who was always better off hanging out with kids a couple years or so ahead of me. My senior year of

Can I please adopt this kid? I want a small quantum physicist (though watch, he's probably taller than me). I'd take good care of him, and made sure he had non-physics hobbies, but we could talk quantum paradoxes and nanotechnology and build lasers together!

The only one I can't do is 5. My allergies would kill me, as they're already trying to do right now. Enjoying the tropical heat wave, Trent? At least up in the northeastern corner of the state it's starting to cool off a little...but that doesn't mean much

Shit. Got a 77 and an access code (not that I want it), should I go jump off the nearest bridge now?

Just don't tell my students I didn't know, kay. ;) I'll lose what little credibility I have.

You guys are just intent on embarrassing me with my lack of Mac knowledge this week, aren't you?

I'll ask my department head. But it's quite possible I'm the only one with the problem. It's just out of reach, and there aren't too many other 4'10" profs that I know of around here.

Gretchen Hirsch's. But the Burda one is still bookmarked in Chrome for my birthday. I'm impressed. :)

That'd be nice for home, I'll have to look into one.

Time to fire up Photobooth and get some good cleavage shots - the new mug shots. You think I'd stand a chance?

I'm jealous! I wish I had a good teacher. Other than the "here's how you operate my machine" lessons from my mom when I was a kid, I'm entirely self taught. I have a good idea about which patterns are good for me (or can be made to be - princess seams ftw!) and which ones are hopeless. And I'm a master at the

Internet rage =/= jail. Idiots.

I have the same problem in my office. I've got this incredible wall of floor to ceiling bookshelves. But I can't reach the top shelf without standing on a chair — not so professional looking. So I keep my crystal structure models up there — I only need those maybe two days a year.

This. I already have that problem with my cabinet space. I don't want to have to get a ladder to get at my seldom-used-but-wanted-badly-right-now dishes.

I'm 4'10", which tends to make me look like a little girl. I've never really experienced having my feet touch the ground in a normal chair. *kicks footstool under desk* But, hey, genes are unavoidable (Mom's 5'2", Dad's 5'4" so he shares your pain), and it took years of growth hormone shots to get this tall, so I

My only problem is that I'm too short to put stuff very high. *sigh*

Awesome! We'll have to trade Poll Everywhere stories once we get it going. I have precisely 40 students in my class, so I can use the free version and that makes me happy. I even finally got it working with Keynote, at least on my 2nd monitor, so we'll have to see how it goes on the projector.