
I have to remember to breathe. That's my one downfall, I'll work my way practically to hyperventilation without even realizing I'm doing the shallow breathing thing. If I breathe, I can usually sort out the rest of it.

You know, the more we talk, the more I'm convinced that you're me. Or we were separated at birth or something and you got all the biology brains and that's why I have none.

I hear you! I don't normally have issues with insomnia or anything like that, but every now and then....it won't turn off. And the only thing that ever works then is the one meditation I learned in grad school where I have to be aware of every part of my body in turn from the top of my head downward. I usually fall

This. Yes. Thank you!

I do seem to have an incredible amount of doubles out there in the world. ;)

I'll look into it the next time I'm up that way — nearest Macy's is 1-1/2 hours away from me...prompting my oh-so-fabulous story about the late-night bra run....

I sew costumes as a hobby. I even have a handful of patterns where I've made the dress and gone...I need another one of these for work that isn't butter yellow. But I've never really gotten around to it.

Hey, wow! I am so happy for you! *throws confetti* Good luck with the last-minute crunch time!! At least you have something to go on with the one class, that's a little bit of relief. Hopefully you'll get in the swing of things quickly. Seriously, I'm so excited for you. :)

Oh hi! I wondered if I'd see you here!! I'm doing all right, I suppose. I was out of the country the first half of August (truly awesome), I'm doing battle with my ears and sinuses (not so great), and getting ready for classes to start next week (nervewracking). How are you?!?

I'm 4'10", and I've been everything from a 6 to a 14. I...just gave up.

Cowl-necked shirts are about all I can handle for professional clothing (and they routinely go cheap at J.C. Penney), but I have to be careful when I bend over then...

Oh.my.god. Don't get me started on the boobs, or we'll be here all night. *dies*

I'm only allowed to do that for about six weeks out of the year, as evidenced by my oh-so-comfy rolled-up walmart jeans and the hoodie my mother-in-law bought me in Lithuania. But next week, classes start, and I have to stop looking like one of the new freshman and go back into respectable college professor mode.

Amen. I can even sew myself, but that can be truly time consuming. So I'm left with three lovely options.

It's like...I move around lots of files already. I've just...never though of right-clicking. XD

All I know is that meditation was the first time in my life I learned how to breathe correctly. Which in turn cured the almost crippling chest pains I was having in graduate school. I wish I did it more now than I actually do, but it's good to have those skills to fall back on in.

Have you ever seen a brain scan from someone with an anxiety disorder? It's lit up all over the place, going full steam, pretty much all the time. It's exhausting. So yeah, I bet some people would much prefer lower brain activity.

I am ashamed to admit that I didn't know this before.

You're making something hurt in my chest. And it's not from the coughing that tagged along with my sinus infection. D: