That's really high on my list of "Please people buy me a season for Christmas?!?"
That's really high on my list of "Please people buy me a season for Christmas?!?"
Only a non-tenure track one. So on one hand, yes, experience. On the other hand, oh shit I have to go on the job market again.
I think it must be a physics thing. I know a prof out at Penn State, but I went to the University of Iowa. Physicists are a strange breed. ;)
I guess it worked since they gave me a PhD. ;)
I don't think you're quite qualified to assess my discipline, or lack thereof. :)
I'm definitely of the noise-while-working clan. I wrote my PhD dissertation watching two seasons of Babylon 5 on Netflix (where it sadly no longer is), to the point where J. Michael Straczynski is one of only three people I gave props to in my acknowledgement section. I can't work without music, or tv, or something o…
And my European husband rejoices - it is finally "acceptable" for him to bring out his handbags.
This. So much this. I'm really short, and pretty much all boob. I gave up today and broke one of my cardinal rules — no writing in the boob area. But dammit, I just wanted to wear a T-shirt, and it's okay if it's a Dr. Seuss rhyme about quarks, isn't it????
Boo. I'm going to be out of the country for Iowa's tax holiday. I guess I'll just have to go into Minnesota and partake of the year-round tax-free clothes option.
*squirms* I guess there's no fucking myself then? I hate my uber-blonde lashes with a fiery passion, and have taken to wearing 4-day mascara (nasty stuff that doesn't do anything but color, but that's all I need) during the week because I'm too damn lazy to put it on every day, and I look like I'm about 15 without it.
I thank you, very sincerely, for the accurate optics. :)
Or you could just be me and have the thing you do for a living be the most uncomfortable rewarding thing you could ever possibly do.
The fact that your pediatrician felt like he/she actually had to name-check Jenny McCarthy (if only in a bad way) in order to get people to vaccinate their kids...that scares me so much I think I stopped breathing for a bit there.
I keep an electronic one — go spreadsheets — but that mostly gives me a basis for which to keep the running total in my head over the weekend when I'm not sitting in front of said spreadsheet.
I'm really paranoid about my checking account balance when things get low. That said, I can keep a really accurate running balance in my head over the course of a few days if I can't check my balance.
I think we should campaign RIGHT NOW to get an actual MD/Researcher on the show. There are a LOT of really wonderful, brilliant, articulate women in the field who could give this woman the stare-down she so desperately needs.
Please, for the sake of everything good in the universe, please do let them put actual experts on the air with her. Otherwise I fear for how many children could be put at risk because their mothers "saw it on TV".
I'm terrified. The last thing she should have is another platform with which to whisper her anti-vaccine, anti-science, plain old harmful ideas into the minds of people who don't yet have the knowledge to see the utter bullshit said ideas represent.
Oh God, Snow White as Wonder Woman? The cognitive dissonance is killing me, but I'm loving on that costume...and the beautiful.
Iowans hide in a corner.